Suggestion Bundle

    • Suggestion Bundle

      Suggestion 1

      Name: Quantum Assault Fighter

      Description: As Researchers were finishing the development of Quantum Engines they began trying it into existing ship models when retrofitted they failed. So researchers created a new type of fighter that was even faster than a light fighter, but was expensive and used up more Deuterium at a cost.

      Structural Integrity 16,000

      Shields 50

      Attack Strength 200

      Fuel Usage 125

      Base Speed 13,500 Engine Type Quantum goes up 40% a level

      Requirements: Shipyard 5 Quantum Engines 1

      Rapid Fire from Deathstars 100

      Rapid Fire against Espionage Probes and Solar Satellites 5

      Rapid Fire from Battle Cruiser 7 (up for debate)

      Base Production Duration 3 hours and 30 minutes

      Suggestion 2

      Strange Matter Cannon

      Shoots Strange Matter at a ship which deforms sections of the ship then all of the strange matter dissipates

      25,000 Metal 5000 Crystal 5000 Deuterium

      Structural Integrity 30,000

      Attack Strength 1600

      Shields 80

      Rapid Fire From: Bombers 10 (up For Debate)

      Requirements: Ion Tech 7 and Shipyard 8
      Base Production Time 6 hours

      Now I want to here some ideas on how you like it and your rating out of ten. Also NO complaining "Oh that helps turtles to much" or "Oh that helps fleeters we turtles have enough problems" Be quiet turtles get a new defense and fleeters a new ship.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dark Admiral117 ().

    • I believe it would add an interesting touch for fleeters and turtles equally add a new ship to be worried about, but it's expensive enough it won't replace light or heavy fighters and the strange matter cannon would make another defense for turtles to build to help combat ships add some mixture into the game.