Fora (Dejavu) Vs. Sta111Siu1 (Polska) T.d:1.687.442.000 + Moon destruction and Rip Kill

    • Top Solo

    • Fora (Dejavu) Vs. Sta111Siu1 (Polska) T.d:1.687.442.000 + Moon destruction and Rip Kill

      First off all i want to thx my friends WindWalker and BeDa for their helps.
      I think there is nothing much to say, the result is here; :closed:
      Thx u and wish you a nice game.

      Your fleet from Planet XXX has arrived on the moon of the planet on XXX. Your deathstar aims its alternating graviton shock cannon at the satellite. Light quakes shake the surface of the moon. But something is wrong. The graviton cannon causes the deathstar to vibrate. There is feedback. The deathstar ruptures into millions of pieces. The resulting shock waves destroy your entire fleet.
      Moon destruction chance: 24.04 % DS destruction chance: 41 % :rocketlauncher:

      and here is the result after the moon destruction :)

      On the astral date 04.04.2013 the following fleets come in battle

      Attacker Fora
      Light Fighter 1

      Attacker Fora
      Light Fighter 2.000
      Cruiser 20.202
      Battleship 15.900
      Bomber 2.112
      Destroyer 5.190
      Battlecruiser 3.460

      Defender sta111siu1
      Small Cargo 310
      Large Cargo 380
      Light Fighter 7.200
      Heavy Fighter 100
      Cruiser 23.640
      Battleship 6.380
      Colony Ship 1
      Recycler 4.570
      Espionage Probe 47
      Solar Satellite 212
      Destroyer 730
      Death Star 1
      Battlecruiser 1.270
      Rocket Launcher 1.000
      Light Laser 1.000
      Heavy Laser 2
      Gauss cannon 5
      Plasma Turret 45
      Small Shield Dome 1
      Large Shield Dome 1

      »» 5° ROUND ««

      Attacker Fora

      Attacker Fora
      Light Fighter 334
      Cruiser 13.248
      Battleship 14.889
      Bomber 2.076
      Destroyer 5.169
      Battlecruiser 3.385

      Defender sta111siu1
      »» Destroyed ««

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured 3.323.727 metal, 4.742.803 crystal and 19.910.038 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 281.234.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 1.406.208.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 333.748.800 metal and 138.405.300 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %

      he attacker has won the battle!
      He captured 830.937 metal, 1.185.703 crystal and 4.977.510 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 352.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 7.169.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 73.800 metal and 31.800 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured 138.616 metal, 197.677 crystal and 829.585 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 224.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 4.858.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 47.700 metal and 19.500 crystal.

      »» Debris recycling ««
      Your recycler(s) (18350) have a total cargo capacity of 367.000.000.
      At the target, 333.748.800 metal and 138.411.000 crystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested 228.589.000 Metal and 138.411.000 Crystal.

      Your recycler(s) (7500) have a total cargo capacity of 150.000.000.
      At the target, 105.159.800 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested 105.159.800 Metal and 0 Crystal.

      ¸¸.•*¨`•» Fleet Destroyed «•´¨*•.¸¸

      Light Fighter 1.667 Cruiser 6.954 Battleship 1.011 Bomber 36 Destroyer 21 Battlecruiser 75

      Small Cargo 310 Large Cargo 380 Light Fighter 7.200 Heavy Fighter 100 Cruiser 23.640 Battleship 6.380 Colony Ship 1 Recycler 4.570 Espionage Probe 47 Solar Satellite 212 Destroyer 730 Death Star 1 Battlecruiser 1.270 Rocket Launcher 1.000 Light Laser 1.000 Heavy Laser 2 Gauss cannon 5 Plasma Turret 45 Large Shield Dome 1 Small Shield Dome 1

      ¸¸.•*¨`•» Statistics battle «•´¨*•.¸¸

      Metal: 4.293.280
      Crystal: 6.126.183
      Deuterium: 25.717.133

      Debris Collected 702618%
      Recyclers: 23.608
      Metal: 333.748.800
      Crystal: 138.411.000

      Total Resources
      Metal: 338.042.080
      Crystal: 144.537.183
      Deuterium: 25.717.133

      ¸¸.•*¨`•» GAIN «•´¨*•.¸¸
      Debris 472.159.800 + Plunder 36.136.596 - Losses 281.810.000


    • Great job Fora! Being a witness from the very beginning of this attack I must say that it was a tedious work that deserves many praises. Studying the online times for days, dropping a mobile and deploying the fleet in system, destructing the moon, organizing recyclers, timing the target and hit! This hit really deserves to become a top one not only because of the TD, but of its finesse... Enjoy the spoils buddy! FR/GLIRL sta111siu1...
    • Huuuuuuuwwwwwwwww :crazy: Moon destruction + profit record + origin record.. can anyone say what that is ?? :beer: incredible hit çiçaaaammm..

      Everytime I asked myself why fora remains so calm and only grows up his fleet! But after today I understand why he is doing that and until now I
      know he will not more stay calm...

      Good Job Fora...Enjoy the profit çiçaam :phatgrin:

      ps: I think from now on noone will play as a fleeter in origin..
      And Fr Sta111Siu1..