Request: Server / Universe List.xml via Ogame API

    • Request: Server / Universe List.xml via Ogame API

      Dear Ogame Tech, dear Francolino, dear WeTeHa, dear Ogame Team and Hi Community,

      most Developers here know the Ogame API which is perfekt to generate Stats and pro Tools using the available Information the Gameforge is delivering by the xml files the API provides.

      Most Tools the Developers creating are Multilanguage/Country and Multiuniverse.

      For dynamic programming and dynamic autogenerated parsing its neccessary not just only to know the Information inside the XML Files.
      The base the url, especially universe and countrycode isn't available to parse information which is delivered and available but not accessible because you don't know the urls and unis to acess via API.

      In my case, i try to do a international thing, so what to do?

      Ripping a Frontpage, ripping off the Countryservers in Sourcecode, getting all Countryfrontpages to get the countries universes?
      So i have to do a ripping bot to get a List of all available XML Files/available Servers and Universes?

      I don't think thats the behaviour the Gameforge is thought about...when they decided for Ogame API.

      I think Gameforge and the Team did the API to provide a way for developers to access needed data so they did not have to use bots which is not legal... and can get the information they need a fair and easy way.

      For sure, you can do a serverlist by hand... tenth of countries and tons of universes... and do all changes by hand when they happen... if you don't miss changes or have time to do it...
      Result is redundant work for developers, more faluts and bugs and useless fiddling.

      I thing delivering XML is a great way to let the developers do their job.

      I personally think a allservers.xml is really missing to do generall dynamic / automatic international multiuniverse projects...

      its not that neccessary that there is no way, but in case that there is a API and XML FIles its a usefull puzzlepart...

      So please add a Serverlist XML... for doing the more open and usable Variant of dynamic usage of the Content you already deliver.

      Thank you very much!

      With best regards,