Update 5.3.3 / 5.3.4

    • Update 5.3.3 / 5.3.4

      Dear players,

      During this week (probably starting today) version 5.3.4 (5.3.3 + some small bugfixes related to it) will be implemented, with the following final changelog:

      [Feature Request] Merge: Standard fleets saved
      [Feature Request] IPad: Highscore with 50 ranks per page
      [Bugfix] Buddy Request: Problem with special char
      [Bugfix] Phalanx: Fleet activity shown without Deuterium
      [Bugfix] Description of buddy points
      [Bugfix] IE8: Input fields needs 2 clicks to be active
      [Bugfix] Error message links to the wrong country
      [Bugfix] Text problem in alliance messages
      [Bugfix] Merge: several fixes
      [Bugfix] IPad: Display problem with long construction qeue
      [Bugfix] IPad: Text issue in buddy list
      [Bugfix] Wrong behaviour for deleted planets
      [Bugfix] Lunar base in building queue not considered for field warning
      [Bugfix] No Buddy Premium Points reward when buying via iPad App
      [Bugfix] Incorrect behaviour if changing email several times
      [Bugfix] Resource settings: Recalc during v-mode sets value 0
      [Bugfix] Colonization mission to empty position shows planet name
      [Bugfix] Duplicated tooltip while hovering build shortcut
      [Bugfix] Techtree: Links in Rapidfire list incorrect
      [Bugfix] Honorable status is not considered correctly in combats
      [Bugfix] Moon destruction: incorrect points after destruction
      [Bugfix] Several merge related fixes

      Have fun!

      Your OGame.Origin Team