Double speed on cargos

  • Gerti wrote:

    If you need deuterium fast at an moon where you want to add from, this is a problem of your wrong logistic and not a weakness of a game. Faster transports cut down the factor of intelligent planning and good logistics (which are in fact part of the gamers skill) so it is still some kind of "noobiing" the game because this has nothing to do with skill.

    Strictly against it!

    I have to agree, while I hate waiting 3+ hours (or more when I have to move res across 4 galaxies), this suggestion is a crutch. You need to plan better if you screw up. I try to time my resources to arrive just before I actually need them there. The time scale of this game is years, a few hours should not really matter in the big picture. If you hate waiting, then the option is available to play in a faster uni.
  • faster cargos would be a problem (because of combat game balancing).

    maybe cargos can be faster if the are on a "friendly" mission or even only if the target is one of your planets. maybe this can be activated by a research?
  • Really contrary opinions about it, I like that. ^^

    In general I think "why not". Specially about choosing e.g. just 110% oder 120% ... and pay really much more Deut for it, and just on friendly mission (maybe combined just with ally / buddy). Do you really think it would be that bad?
    - - - WTH was here - - -


    ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
    yeah my girlfriend too :P
  • I can see that some still just don't get it....

    The problem is still the one lrfrdb mentioned: There is no idea behind it.

    What are faster transports good for?

    If you need deuterium fast at an moon where you want to add from, this is a problem of your wrong logistic and not a weakness of a game. Faster transports cut down the factor of intelligent planning and good logistics (which are in fact part of the gamers skill) so it is still some kind of "noobiing" the game because this has nothing to do with skill.

    Of course there's an idea behind it - It's very clear, too. So... you mean that if you misscalculate from time to time - you don't have Ogame skills? Well, then we ALL are noobs, because if you say you never make a misstake, I really don't believe you. And i can't - I really can't see that that has ANYTHING to do with skills.
    So it's bad/ no skills, if you want to send ress to a weaker player, to help build up an acc - and you want to send it fast. So it's bad skills, if you puch 5 instead of 8 on the calculator? - and ends up with missing 300k. ..... :wacko: So... It's good for A LOT OF situations, actually very good....

    You already have the combustion/impulsion technology for your cargos to get them faster.
    Isn't it enough?

    Yeah, of course we have that- and everbody research their tecks all the time, but there still is that one time, you need the ress a bitt faster. So no, it's not enough. To pay extra deut, is quite okay, and for those of you that have Ogame skills and never make a mistake - you don't HAVE to use this option.... I must admit, that I really don't get the "Strictly against it!" Just because you want to spend 3+ hours on transport, which actually has little to do with the game between you and your ememies, doesn't mean that everbody else likes to wait.

    I think I already in the first post said, that it was for transport ONLY - so it has NOTHING to do with an attack. And I also said, that I usually plan where and when I need ress, I send it in time - often over night. But there still is that one time, where you need the ress fast.

    So all the suggestion on planing ahead or join a speeduni, doesn't really make any sense to me....

    BUT... I actually have joined a speeduni - and I still would like - in the speed uni, too - to have the option to go even faster, when I need ress on another planet

  • If you want resources faster than the cargos can do, use other fleet (cruisers, for ex, but that's expensive in deuterium). Otherwise, you have to calculate better, or anticipate... or wait a little more.

    With the current cargo speed, you are at the same level as other players (except if your techs are not at the same level). Why add an advantage to players who don't plan in advance? As always, most suggestions (like this one) are only proposed to facilitate the game to players who don't know how to play. I'm completely against that.

    so it has NOTHING to do with an attack

    Are you sure? If you cannot get enough deuterium on time to use your fleet, you are stuck... So yes, it has somethinig to do with an attack... Don't tell me I'm wrong, or you are a liar...
  • You are very funny, you know. Have you read the post?? It doesn't look like that.....

    Since I obviously don't have any skills since I would like some speed on my cargos - ( no skills after been #1 in two different acc and been playing for 4+ years??? ) - why do you still come up with the same xxx suggestion about skills and better planing? I think I stated it clear - very clear, why I wanted the speed - which has nothing to do with skills and/or planning.... Please come up with some good explanations on why this is a bad idea - I don't buy the explanations about planning better, neiher skills - which - for both of them, don't really say why this is a bad idea.
    As I said - YOU don't have to use the higher speed, if you don't want to.

    With the current cargo speed, you are at the same level as other players

    Could you please explain to me, how a higher speed on cargos would change the lvl between players? We all get the same option.
    I'm NOT the only one that gets benefints of the higher speed, or... ??? Sorry, I can only see, that EVERBODY will benefit with this options, since it's in the game, and not ONLY on my acc.....

    Of course, you can send deut to another planet to do - or avoid an attack... IF YOU DON'T PLAN AHEAD AND ALWAYS....ALWAYS have enough deut to launch your fleet... (which I ALWAYS have!!) ( also on every moon, so I can jump AND use my fleet (or some of it, depending on the targets in the lanx area - which I always have the latest info about - and keep enough deut to have the posibillity to launch, if I find some goodies) - I DON'T need to wait for deut, to jump and use my fleet) If you don't have a moon - you transport deut with you, to the planet you want your fleet on - and then it's normal speed - since you fly with combat fleet ( could of course be enough room for deut just in the combat fllet - then you don't need to take with you cargos.)
    But - Yes.. That means I have deut - millions - on every moon. Also on the acc where I had 10 moons. So don't tell me about planing. If you don't have deut to avoid or do an attack with your fleet - on the planet/moon you have your fleet on - YOU don't have any skills.... It dosn't cost any deut to jump for a ninja, and if you don't have enough deut to launch your fleet from the moon to the planet, to avoid an attack. THAT would be what I would call "NO SKILLS" Just like if you don't have enough deut to avoid an attack by sending you fleet away to the nearest planet, if you don't have a moon, or are on a planet without a moon.

    If you cannot get enough deuterium on time to use your fleet, you are stuck... So yes, it has somethinig to do with an attack... Don't tell me I'm wrong, or you are a liar...
    So.. Is it ME,, or is it YOU, that don't have any skills? I mean - since you can be stucked, and I don't...??

    So for the xx time,,, Can someone come up with something that says that this is a bad idea? Don't really think so. And Please... leave out the returning explanation on skills and planning. Tell me WHY you don't want to have the posibillity to transport some ress a bitt faster, than normal, from time to time. Whether it's by using more deut because of 110%, 150%, 200% speed - or a research - doesn't really matters.
    And if you say that higher ranked players gets more out of it - yes - of course - but they also do that by researching higher speed tecks..... I guess that's one of the benefits about beeing high ranked.....
    If you are one of the players, that have all your ress and fleet at one place, ( so you need to attac x-gal - or send fleet overnight to make an attack somewhere else) it's your choise. I like to plan and have the option to attack ( or defend an allymate) within seconds (when I have moons - of course)

    Finally, I would say that if you say that YOU don't make mistakes, I will take the liberty to say that YOU are a liar....

  • OK, you got a point. I understood (I was wrong) that the only reason why you would like to get your resources faster was because you needed them urgently. My mistake... You are a good player (who certainly made mistakes once or twice, like anyone including me of course, but who has learnt from these mistakes)... So you don't need this: if you are able to plan to have any resource with the required amount (with enough deuterium on all your moons to lauch your fleet), why would you need/want to have faster cargoes? It would give you sometimes more comfort, for sure, but if you can play without it, why would you use it?

    IMHO, you (you = restlesz) really don't need this new feature. But a lot of bad players (noobs) would get a great advantage of it; and I don't want the game to be facilitated for noobs.

    So, I stay on my opinion, even if you don't agree.
  • As I have mentioned earlier, I still would like to have faster speed on my cargos because:
    You press 5 instead of 8 on the calculater and ends up with 300k short - have full storage, so no production, and not enough cargos (even though I always have enough cargos to fs for at least 2 days production - on all my planets/moons) to send out some of the ress for the production to make the missing 300k - Then it would be great to spend less time on waiting for the planed mine/building or research to be put on - and shorter time having a slot occupied by a slow transport. Or if you are helping a newbie (not nessaserly a noob, if you know what I mean) with some res to build up his acc - then it would be great to get the res delivered fast, so I can use the slot for something meaningfull - like an attack - for example. So, yes - it is a mistake to press the wrong number - but sadly enough - not one you can learn from.... Even though I do have a big enough amont of cargos on my planets - its often not enough to transport res for a lvl 30++ mine ... or astro lvl 17+ for exampel. ( if the main fleet is not on that planet, of course)
    It would also help newbies to get those 10k in total res (2 sc) to their new planet, so the upgrade can go on.

    So, yes.. I do need the higher speed - also because I was in the program of helping noobs, both with info and with res and when I had 5 noobs to support - I often had 5 slots occupied by transport to them.

    I actually don't understand what you mean by
    But a lot of bad players (noobs) would get a great advantage of it; and I don't want the game to be facilitated for noobs.
    How do they get an advantage? What do you mean by the game getting facilitated for noobs? Is there something I don't see?
    If you attack - for example an inactive with no def - with only cargos - it's an attack - and then you can't set the speed higher than 100% as it is today. It goes ONLY for trensport.
    isn't it better to give them the choise to transport their res so they can build up their mines and fleet - and get big enough a bit faster - so we can crash them... hehe. I think why some noobs (real noobs) quite so fast, is because of the time they have to spend before they can do anything - so - it might also help the noobs to stay (a bit longer?)

  • I don't want to fight with you, restlesz. You cannot understand my point, which is quite simple though.

    Just FYI, I do make the difference between a newbie (new player) and a noob (bad player).
    Newbies will adapt to the game (and its speed) - like you or I did. And I would approve anything that can make them stay longer on the game.
    Noobs will never be able to do that, and will want to correct their mistakes by using these f*** speedy cargos. If noobs are not able to understand how to play, let them quit the game. It won't be a big loss.

    How do they get an advantage? What do you mean by the game getting facilitated for noobs? Is there something I don't see?
    If you don't understand why and how your suggestion will allow noobs (not newbies) to erase their mistakes, I cannot do anything for you.

    If you want to help 5 newbies (not noobs), you just have to improve your techs accordingly... Or choose to miss some attacks. OGame, like life, is made of choices. You cannot have everything.

    PS. Are you able to think sometimes?
  • Thanx for the insult --- again....
    I thought we had gone back to a friendly conversation, but... I was wrong. I was not fighting - at all. But you obviously did.
    Well,I'm sorry I don't have a brain so I can think, .... so sorry...
    But no - I still don't understand why Noobs ......etc, etc...

    Since you don't want to --- or can't - explain it for me, maby somebody else would be so kind to do so.
    Since you didn't understand - or bother to read the post probably - I have tried to explain for you, what I mean - but I have to be mind reader to understand you?? - otherwise I can't think??

  • Calm down people!

    Both of you made your point.

    The big difficulty on this idea is that pros dont need this feature but have the resources to pay it and that the lower players need it but cant pay it.

    PS: restlesz why dont you send your resources to the moon so that your production continues?
  • If I have a moon, it's not a problem with storage. It's on planets without a moon. My second #1 acc doesn't have moons on all planets -- yet.
    But no matter what - I still have to wait a long time to get the ress, I miss calculated... whether I have to wait for productiom or slow cargos.

    The big difficulty on this idea is that pros dont need this feature
    ???? - Didn't know there were people that got payed to play Ogame....
    And I guess - if so - they are very few.
    okay, okay :D I know what you mean, and i'll consider myself as a "pro", and I need it.
    Why do you mean that experienced player doesn't need this? Yeah, yaeh, yaeh... planing, overnight transport etc, etc - but... as I have mentioned before,, you have times where you miss calculate etc, etc.. (see one of the abow posts for explanation)
    Is it so, that you other guys, that don't need this,,,, is it because you don't make mistakes and you don't help newbies/ new acc?
    What amazes me is, those, who doesn't like the suggestion, either means that I don't have any skills, or (and) don't have a brain.
    But they sadly enough, can't explain - for example with an example - why it is such a bad idea. What I have understood, they are saying, is that noobs -- bad players - ( players that have been playing for some time, but still haven't manage to learn the basic of the game?? right?) should not get the option of sending res in higher speed, because they normaly get stucked with their fleet, because of litlle or no deut on the planet. Is that so? Those players are not welcome, if I understand it right. BUT... If they haven't managed to lean the basic of the game, .... why should they then manage to lean about the "new" higher speed?? And why should they learn/have deut/ cargos on another nearby planet, so they can send "rescue-deut"??
    In basic, i understand that the noobs should be stucked on their planets, so they can be crashed and leave the game....
    What I don't understand is WHY??? - If you can't crash them, unless they are stucked, where's your skills, then? But, if you manage from time to time, to crash them anyway, and If they rebuild and upgrade their mines - then there's more to crash and raid... again and again and again and......

    newbie ( new acc) is allowed to get the option, but they can't pay for it, is that so?... well, if they have the deut to send at 100% speed, I guess they will have the deut for 120%, 150% also - maybe not 200%, but with 150% speed it still go a bit faster - and it's still a choise to use it.
    And if you are helping a new acc - you could just send 5 k deut, so they can send out they 10 sc to other planets....
    How much fuel a fleet needs to fly, is nevertheless proportional to the size of the fleet, so why new acc should not have the economy to higher speed, is probably not entirely correct. It's not like that 110% cost 3k deutr extra 120% costs 10k extra, etc., regardless of the size of the fleet....

    P.S. I have come to like the idea about beeing able to sett the speed by yourself, rather than a research (then new acc have the option right away, too)

  • -i mean that pros tend to do less failures on there online timing.
    -they are longer timespans online
    -they normally don't get scanned so often
    -they have enough rips to jump and defend their missplaced resources

    +but the noobs are only a few minutes online a day
    +they dont know how to manage their time
    -they often have not enough resources to use somethin like this

    so these are the pro and contras.

    so just to be accurate you have to discuss all contras and pros...

    and until now i'm definetly PRO this feature! maybe it should scale exponentialy with the amount of cargos so that noobs (who tend to have lower cost projects) can use it easily and the pros have to pay a lot to use it!

    PS: And yes even pros suck at ogame! I just sent 10k lc to the right planet and then thought I sent them to the wrong location so I sent them to the next planet (where I luckily can use 10million of the 250kk in my cargos) and now I have to resend them to the first one... I need more sleep or I shouldn't make decisions at night time. Lost 400k deut for flying somewhere between my colonies AND delayed my mine by 12 hours. rofl.
  • Hehehe ;) There you see :D Even pros makes mistakes ;)
    Often because we spend wwwaaayyyyy too much time on Ogame, and don't get enough sleep hehehe-
    So what happened to you, is a perfect example on WHY it's a good idea :D

    I totally agree with you that pros and cons have to discused, but up til now nobody has said anything about cons, only that it's a bad idea, I don't have any skills, i can't think and if I don't understand why it's a bad idea, they can't do anything for me. That is not a discussin of pros and cons.

    -they have enough rips to jump and defend their missplaced resources
    Yes, if it's on a moon. Almost any type of combat fleet will do, if it's a moon without some fleet being there already, but then you have planets, without moons.... :D Even though it's an old acc and lots of lots of points - you might not have moons on all your planets and the mines there needs to be upgraded too. :D

    -they normally don't get scanned so often
    In one of the unis i played were I was "only" rank 4, we were two allys with about 6-7 players in each, occuping top 20, so there we probed and scanned each other every day....
    In one of the unis were I was rank 1, my allymates got probed often. Also there we ere two allys that hunted each other. I was normaly only probed by the attacker, to see if I had my fleet in, if an allymates were under attack. So both yes and no to the fact that they don't get probed/ scanned often.

    The cost with higher speed by %, might be the best, since it also gives newbies (and noobs) the chance to use it, and it's still hurts the pro in the deut department, as you can see below... hehehe

    To fly x-gal, let's say gl 1 to gl 3

    10 sc with 100% = 915 deut
    10 sc with 150% = 1373 deut
    10 sc with 200% = 1830 deut

    10k lc with 100% = 2.3 mill deut
    10k lc with 150% = 3.45 mill deut
    10k lc with 200% = 4.6 mill deut

    so I don't thing we need to make it more expencive, the higher points. 4.6 mill deut still hurts, even though you have xxx mill

  • This is a very interesting idea. But why not link the limits of acceleration transports, with the level of the engines? Starting with a certain level of engine ... for example after the bonus investigation will increase to 100% of base speed? This would stimulate the players to invest in research and it would be another incentive to learn to play :)
  • interesting idea :D
    But do you then mean that it will increase the speed with 100% of base speed for all types of action? cobat, transport, deploy.... ?
    That will change al lot for example in a combat situation, too, then.. and fs... If you have researched the "new speed", then you kinda don't have a choise to "go fast or not". Or have I miss understood, what you mean?
    As a fleeter and the attacker, I would certanly like to go as fast as possible, but I don't like it, when I'm the hunted one hehehe.
    I guess if you increase all speed, you just as well could join speed unis.
    If it's a research only for cargos, I still like it, but you change a lot for combat if cargos can fly faster in that situation, too.
    If the research is only for transport, I think it might be easier for those "behind the screen" to put in the option 110, 120, 130.... where you choose the speed today, instead of making up a new research. I also think that a research will benefitt older acc, since there's plenty to research in the beginning, instead of all acc have the option to choose 110% - 150%... right away - and then only on cargos.
    We could also get a new cargo, with higher speed and ... 100k or more capasity, but they had to be expensive both to research and to build - and then it will only be for players with xxxxxx points....