- Info :OGSpy is an ally tool to share informations between members. With this tool, you can share the cartography, attack reports, spy reports, compare raid performances inside the team and manage your Ogame account development.
- Author :OGSteam.fr
- Website : ogsteam.fr
- Support :
ogsteam.fr - Download :Available on bitbucket.org : bitbucket.org/ogsteam/ogspy/downloads
- Screenshot :darkcity.fr/images/ogsteam/Galaxie.png , darkcity.fr/images/ogsteam/Statistiques.png
- Browser :Google Chrome, Firefox
- Languages : French
It is today a french tool so please refer to French OGSpy topic : Topic Link
OGSpy use a passive tool named Xtense to collect basic data like user messages, galaxy informations and rankings. The script is written in Javascript and is compatible with Chrome and Firefox.
OGSteam is a team that develops and tests Legal Tools for OGame.
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