laboratories improvement II (research 2 technologies at the same time)

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    • laboratories improvement II (research 2 technologies at the same time)

      The option of choose the number of laboratories that research each technology. Of course it will increase the researching time.

      If you wanna make it a premium feature, maybe would be nice in technocrat oficial.

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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raszagal88 ().

    • The research in ogame are part of your strategy.
      What will you do first? Astro or combat tech, etc...
      Even at really high level, when tech take months to do, you must choose which tech is the most usefull to do.
      You can already use DM to end research, no need to add another premium feature.

      I'm against this idea :-/
    • You can already use DM to end research, no need to add another premium feature.

      I said maybe. So we can do it free.

      It gives more strategy to. ...Think:

      You have 2 planet: what will be better? 2 technologies at same time (using 1 laboratories per technology)? or 1 per 1 but using 2 laboratories connected?.....

      If you plan it bad you will spent more time.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
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    • In the end, if it takes the same time, it's useless. (why should we do 2 research taking both 1 month at the same time when you can do the first in 2 weeks and profit of the feature it gives 2 weeks before ^^)

      If it's faster, I'm against the idea.

      I don't think there will be any change to the actual way research are, because the long time it takes to develop them is a part of ogame strategy.
    • jrme wrote:

      In the end, if it takes the same time, it's useless. (why should we do 2 research taking both 1 month at the same time when you can do the first in 2 weeks and profit of the feature it gives 2 weeks before ^^)

      If it's faster, I'm against the idea.

      I don't think there will be any change to the actual way research are, because the long time it takes to develop them is a part of ogame strategy.

      +1 :)
    • It have his advantages:

      1º Use the other option of researching as a "fleet" as the same we are researching the other technology

      2º If the technology will finish when I am sleeping, maybe is more interesting to increase the researching time (researching 2 technologies at the same time) and secure that it will be finished when I am "on" and with this spend more sources in order to start another technology.----->this option, like this suggestion its interesting with an account with not no many points, in which technologies take only hours, not month (in this case I have a better suggestion , better no; the best suggestion at all :P )xD-------->Unfortunately those suggestion are incompatible so I prefer see the other implemented instead of this. So you can close it, this suggestion hasn't any future.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
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