Laboratories improvement (laboratories upgraded at the same time I am researching one technology)

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    • Laboratories improvement (laboratories upgraded at the same time I am researching one technology)

      When we are researching a technology , laboratories cant be built.

      Suggestion: If I have Intergalactic Research Network at LV 8 I am using 9 laboratories , so the rest of laboratories could be upgraded at the same time I am researching this technology.

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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raszagal88 ().

    • there was a long discussion about that on
      why should they be able to build?

      because if you say they arent linked with other labs via IgRN.. they should have their own tech-tree because they wouldnt be able to know what already has been researched and what not. so there (logically) is sort of a connection between them without IgRN.
      The IgRN would in that way just make it possible to to research actively on a new research and the others just have to watch, because they havent got the technology to "communicate" to the active project of research.

      if you'd like to change the way researches work by allowing multiple researches at the same time, you also have to change the way how research works... more like buildings -> each planet has its own progression of research.
      that though would cause that you'd have to research certain things multiple times which would cost more ress again.
    • xDDDDDD ALL of that you say its wrong if i understood it correctly.

      1º Now a days technology is EXPORTED from a country that knows the technology to another in which doent know it.

      For example I know how to do mobile phone, so I do it AND EXPORT it to the others.

      2º There is something called phone. So, this laboratories knows what is happening in the others, but maybe the are not working on it because their laboratories don't have the necessary things for the development of one technology. For example many of laboratories knows the particles collision theory, but only Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is able to do this kind of experiments correctly....

      Then the results are exposed to the science community.

      So...In my opinion my suggestion is correctly in the logical matter.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
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    • it is logicall indeed... but that EXPORT thing or phone or whatever you want to call it... is in ogame exactly that thing called intergalactic research network (or the phones provider which built up a network in your case)

      so somewhere on a lonely island they might not know how to build a phone or how to use it... so planets that are not included into the IgRN wouldnt know if they have laser12 already or not (so they would need to research it from scratch) ...

      you are trying to combining two things by only using its advantages and screwing up the logical part about it.
    • Maybe they need to make a simple phone call to determine which tech is in progress among IRN labs and then they develop other tech in their own lab XD

      Perhaps this has been my own question from the beginning !!
      Why can't we upgrade the non-active labs. or why can't we do multi research while others are inactive :) ?(
    • The thing is this: When researching, all scientists from every planet go to the planet where it's being researched (read up in the description of the RLab). And I want to upgrade my RLab, I don't care if my scientists are there or not (even better if they are not). So why on earth am I not able to do so? The RLab isn't linked with the others, so is not working right now and even my scientists aren't there anymore. What exactly is the hindrance?