Graviton take into account in researches ranking

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    • Graviton take into account in researches ranking

      Include it in this ranking.

      Foe example....

      Energy necessary for the level of graviton researched = points in researches ranking

      This method is not logic but it is equal for all players so, would be an interesting option in order to make a difference between players...

      ---------- Its only an example.

      In essence I want: Graviton take into account in researches ranking

      We can discuss the "how".

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported
    • No, it doesn't have sense. But its the only way in order to make a difference between players that don't have the graviton technology researched that another who have it researched so....

      For now the thing that doesn't have sense is research a technology and it doesn't take into account in researched ranking.

      SO, the other way to do this could be give to the players a certain number of points per graviton level:

      For example:

      Graviton lv1 gives 50K points
      Graviton lv2 gives 100K points
      Graviton lv3 gives 150K points

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported
    • just giving out points doesnt make sense either...
      it worked out with the old highscore where every research just was worth 1 point... but to be honest... its not quiet fair to give points which dont base on something for graviton...
      graviton take 1s to complete... just uses energy... so no resources are invested in graviton.... only resources are invested into the production of the needed energy (mostly by satelites)

      those sats give points for each invested resource! there you go...
      most of them take down the sats after gravi again and therefore they lose points again...

      giving out points (if research points or not) just doesnt make any sense, because no resource or anything else will be completely invested into graviton, just indirectly by suplying energy (and those things that give the energy, give the points)