Important Update AntiGame Origin!

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    • Important Update AntiGame Origin!

      Today AntiGame Origin has been updated.
      We made a news topic about this because an important feature is added! Please read carefully.

      Francolino wrote:

      Following the great soul of OGame (Polishing bugs until they shine like a fine, new feature.) I have improved the latest problem a "little".
      • Added standard feature "AntiGameOrigin might stop working if it detects strictly forbidden OGame Tools." (Recognizable by a red menu button).
      So when your AntiGame does not work and the menu button is red you might have some illegal scripts or addons running. To make sure AntiGame Origin will work you should find out which of your scripts is illegal and turn it off.

      You can find a list of tolerated scripts and addons here:
      Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins

      Best regards,
      Your OGame Origin Team