OGame Consulate / Embassy

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • OGame Consulate / Embassy

      This suggestion it's about create a new section in the OGame menu called "Consulate or Embassy" where the players will be able to manage all around wars and ally stuff.

      Edit by Valent | Removed Imageshack Ad

      The suggestion plans the section structure as follows:

      1- My Alliance

      Here you can manage all kind of relationhips with others alliances (such as non-agression pacts or free trade pacts, for instance) in a more senseful manner; if a friendly alliance establish some kind of relation, both founders can use this function to get a list of members of the other ally and a message system to get in contact so closely.
      Maybe some others features could be added to this (such us some game punishment, in terms of PH's, if you attack a member of those allys, or similar).

      2- Active Wars

      Subsection where any ally member can take a look on a list of allys at war.
      In addition, there would be nice to include an ingame war declaration system where players can define some conditions (resources losses, debris obtained, time or so on) to declare a war as "WON".

      3- Finished Wars
      Last part contains just a list of wars where our ally has been involved with some related info of interest.

      -----------> Thanks to Kramagon because of his help <----------

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Raszagal88 ().

    • I have just edited this post. Read it , this suggestion IS SPECTACULAR!! With too many kind of options in order to complement this suggestion. And I know 10 options for complement it =) . Will be a revolution of Ogame, this suggestion and others like my IRN IMPROVEMENT

      [Feedback please!] Improvement in the Intergalactic Research Network (OGame.ES Sugg)

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported
    • I really liked because the principle of the game is war. It could also have an option where the leader of the alliance could send a request for surrender with agreement or declare defeat. In this menu, you could see the attacks coming on its members, submitted by members of the rival alliance.
      The idea in principle is very good, however has to be thoroughly discussed to arrive at something PERFECT!

      Board Admin & Representative OGame Brazil
    • I have some ideas like:

      * Make a war alliances ranking (with war lost, or won, or draw)

      * When you declare a war, system send a message to all players involved. Or when the war is finished

      * Leader can click on a surrender button or send a peace request.

      * War allianceS ACS. When 2 or 3 alliances are in war with another one. Those could have the option of fusion his own wars making instead of 2 or 3 different war, only one big war.

      *Also a bet system. In which all players can bet the alliance they think will be the winner.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Raszagal88 ().

    • Raszagal88 wrote:

      This suggestion it's about create a new section in the OGame menu called "Consulate or Embassy" where the players will be able to manage all around wars and ally stuff.

      Edit by Valent | Removed Imageshack Ad

      The suggestion plans the section structure as follows:

      1- My Alliance

      Here you can manage all kind of relationhips with others alliances (such as non-agression pacts or free trade pacts, for instance) in a more senseful manner; if a friendly alliance establish some kind of relation, both founders can use this function to get a list of members of the other ally and a message system to get in contact so closely.
      Maybe some others features could be added to this (such us some game punishment, in terms of PH's, if you attack a member of those allys, or similar).

      2- Active Wars

      Subsection where any ally member can take a look on a list of allys at war.
      In addition, there would be nice to include an ingame war declaration system where players can define some conditions (resources losses, debris obtained, time or so on) to declare a war as "WON".

      3- Finished Wars
      Last part contains just a list of wars where our ally has been involved with some related info of interest.

      -----------> Thanks to Kramagon because of his help <----------

      Raszagal88 wrote:

      I have some ideas like:

      * Make a war alliances ranking (with war lost, or won, or draw)

      * When you declare a war, system send a message to all players involved. Or when the war is finished

      * Leader can click on a surrender button or send a peace request.

      * War allianceS ACS. When 2 or 3 alliances are in war with another one. Those could have the option of fusion his own wars making instead of 2 or 3 different war, only one big war.

      *Also a bet system. In which all players can bet the alliance they think will be the winner.

      by combining those two group of ideas there will be a very attractive change in the game. the surrender/peace requests and the betting parts are my favourites. :)