Add item that increases maximum number of fleets

    • I agree, that would be awesome, and it would make a lot of sense! Everyone needs an extra fleetslot occasionally, they can be game-changing when you really need it, and it gives non-DM purchasers both a way to compete with those who purchase the Admiral and a reason to purchase the DM as well - GF wins again! To get those extra fleetslots through items could be made very difficult, for example the fleetslot granted by this item could be very shortlived and the process of acquiring it very difficult. For example, 2h for Bronze, 8h for Silver and 24h for Gold, and they would need to be manufactured by the player by combining 3 Newtrons and 2 Krakens of that level, to create a computing facility that runs on overdrive to expand your empire's fleeting capacity until it inevitably breaks down and destroys itself. There could be an additional deuterium cost as well in the construction of the facility, or even... an Honour Points price? And what would the limits be, could an empire employ only one of these at once? Or one per planet? Or one per planet and per moon? A player could save items for a long time in order to have +20 fleetslots for 8 hours... many strategies available if the number isn't limited but it would complicate the game a lot more.
    • i like the basic idea... things what hodycall suggested may make the whole "system" a bit complicated.
      i'd go for the easy: bronze/silver/gold item which grants you a fleet slot for the amount of time defined (by whoever)
      no limits to where to use it, maybe just on how many can be used

      time run out? -> no new fleets may be started using that extra-slot
      fleet still flying using that extra-slot? -> just let it fly to its destination.