ALTON [TILC-FR] vs marv [testis] ~ 700 M

    • Hall of Fame

    • ALTON [TILC-FR] vs marv [testis] ~ 700 M

      I had two weeks left to finish Astro 17. After that I was planning to build some mines and then finally start to put up the real defense. However, my plan was spoiled by a sudden attack from Alton. I didn't think twice about what I should do. I'm a peaceful android and I don't attack anyone. But if someone attacks me, I'll do anything I can to hurt the attacker, even if it means that I'll lose tons of resources. So I cancelled astro, traded resources and insta-built 16 Deathstars.

      Special thanks goes to Sochin and Irishflash for moral support.

      ALTON, fr...

      On (17.12.2012 11:26:25) the following fleets met in battle
      ALTON vs. marv

      Attacker ALTON
      Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 150%

      Deathstar 160

      Defender marv
      Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 160%

      S.Cargo 1
      L.Cargo 773
      Battleship 3
      Recy. 151
      Bomber 1
      Dest. 5
      Deathstar 17
      R.Launcher 8.112
      L.Laser 8.112
      H.Laser 8.112
      Gauss 3.744
      Ion C. 3.900
      Plasma 2.012
      S.Dome 1
      L.Dome 1

      Attacker ALTON
      Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 150%

      Deathstar 110 (-50)

      Defender marv
      Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 160%

      S.Cargo 1 (-0)
      L.Cargo 483 (-290)
      Battleship 2 (-1)
      Recy. 93 (-58 )
      Dest. 3 (-2)
      Deathstar 17 (-0)
      R.Launcher 5.144 (-2.968 )
      L.Laser 5.028 (-3.084)
      H.Laser 5.056 (-3.056)
      Gauss 2.348 (-1.396)
      Ion C. 2.383 (-1.517)
      Plasma 1.276 (-736)
      L.Dome 1 (-0)

      The battle ended in a draw, both fleets withdraw to their home planets.

      The attacker lost a total of 500.000.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 200.964.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 75.760.500 metal and 60.668.400 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %
      The enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together and form a moon around the planet.
      2.582 Rocket Launcher, 2.776 Light Laser, 2.292 Heavy Laser, 1.298 Gauss Cannon, 1.426 Ion Cannon, 677 Plasma Turret could be repaired.


      Your recycler(s) (93) have a total cargo capacity of 1.860.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 75.760.500 Metal and 60.668.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 930.000 Metal and 930.000 Crystal.
      Your recycler(s) (186) have a total cargo capacity of 3.720.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 74.830.500 Metal and 59.738.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 1.860.000 Metal and 1.860.000 Crystal.
      Your recycler(s) (439) have a total cargo capacity of 8.780.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 72.970.500 Metal and 57.878.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 4.390.000 Metal and 4.390.000 Crystal.
      Your recycler(s) (857) have a total cargo capacity of 17.140.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 68.580.500 Metal and 53.488.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 8.570.000 Metal and 8.570.000 Crystal.
      Your recycler(s) (1660) have a total cargo capacity of 33.200.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 60.010.500 Metal and 44.918.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 16.600.000 Metal and 16.600.000 Crystal.
      Your recycler(s) (3203) have a total cargo capacity of 64.060.000. At the target [X:XXX:X], 43.410.500 Metal and 28.318.400 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 35.741.600 Metal and 28.318.400 Crystal.

      Attacker profits : -492.331.100
      Metal: -242.331.100 | Cristal: -200.000.000 | Deut: -50.000.000

      Defender profits : 104.382.000
      Metal: 54.686.600 | Cristal: 51.807.400 | Deut: -2.112.000

      Converted by InfoCompte CR converter
      Skin InfoCompte Black by ManishBoy
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Marv

      what can i say man... i love ya lol...

      it hurts you yes...but think of how his balls feel.... LOL

      i have to say i applaude you for everything you done on that... glad you recycled it too cause ya REALLY deserve it

      bet gameforge love you
      spend hundreds on DM for your boosters and relocations
      and not only that make someone instant build to ninja ya LOL
      i think you need to see that money can only buy you muscle...but cant get you skill
    • I was lucky to get a message from marv before the dark matter NINJA and lets face it if anybody was to lose fleet by the defender using DM to build himself a ninja fleet it shud b the biggest darkmatter user in the uni .....

      The best part is you got your astro res back and a moon to play with so well played man 10/10 from me.....

      F.R ALTON
    • Glad to see you put him in his place and were able to secure the DF, profit. Looks like you'll be able to build up your astrophysics in peace now.

      15/10 for everything you did to take down 50 RIPS, most impressive and I'm sure ALTON will think twice before making you a target again.

      ALTON as its been said before, DM can't buy you skill, hopefully you learn from this mistake.