Selection of Default planet after login

    • Selection of Default planet after login

      That would be nice if we could select our favorite planet as the default planet instead of going to the Homeworld after logging into ogame...
      The option can be added to the options area of the game to choose between all the planets.

      The reason to do this:
      The Homeworld is the first and smallest planet among all of planets for everyone so it becomes one of the useless planets in the mid game with having only 163 slots (and hardly reach 200 with terraformer lvl7 !!!)
      So most players choose other planets as their HQ ...
      I myself really like to change my default planet.
    • Nah, don´t like your idea.
      When I attack someone, act on his Homeworld alerts me more than act on a other planet.
      I think that, for fleeters, it is important to know on which planet act will occur when someone logs in.
      When this suggestion is implemented, it is impossible to know on which planet that will be.

      Unless, when you click on a player´s name in the rankings, you will be shown the planet which the player selected as his Homeworld. And when you search for a player too; the self-selected Homeworld is shown instead of his "real" Homeworld.

      But then again ... it´s not that much effort to select another planet after logging in, so I really don´t think it is necessary :P But, if the part I added is implemented too I don´t think it´s harmful ... ;)
    • Yeah you may be right...
      So the option to change the Homeworld should be added.
      It's a free world and we must have a freedom to choose our home, not that GF forces us to live on a small and tight planet ;)

      So it can be implemented as Noot says...
      Let's see what's other's opinions...

      Thanks noot
    • Toxicterror wrote:

      alternatively if you want some other planet to be your "default" planet, just build in a small redirect, that (guess what) redirects you after login to your favourite planet.
      causing that there is activity at your homeplanet and your favourite planet.

      something more local like a setting
      Agreed, that might be even better :)
    • Redirection

      Redirection is impossible!!
      Coz creating a rule to redirect that link will always redirects that link meaning that I can never access my home planet !!!
      And I have to disable that rule!!

      We need an internal option!
      :D Come on guys!
    • Makes perfect sense to me. However, maybe it should have some checks and balances to make sure it isn't abused, as others have mentioned. For example, it takes 24 hours to change the home planet, and for 24 hours after that you can't change it again. In the 24 hour waiting period, it ought to be indicated to others (perhaps by a change in font colour) that your home coordinates will be changing to new ones - a mouseover reveals how much time until the homeworld changes and the coordinates of your new homeworld.
    • a redirection is possible no doubt ;)
      just depends on which part you code it into... but that needs knowledge on how ogame is coded and i dont think that we should discuss on how such a redirection should be coded.

      @hody: would be a way too, but i think that will just make things too complicated for everyone.
    • if there were a redirect option only noobs would turn it on, because that would reveal their activity through *s on two planets instead of just one... having a redirect isnt the same as changing the home planet, and it isnt as simple either. Might as well just have it be instantaneous but restrict it to happening once a week at the most, thats abuse-proof enough if the countdown idea is too complicated.
    • Kpax7 wrote:

      Redirection is impossible!!
      Coz creating a rule to redirect that link will always redirects that link meaning that I can never access my home planet !!!
      And I have to disable that rule!!

      We need an internal option!
      :D Come on guys!

      Redirection is perfectly possible ;)
      I can write a script to do that for you.

      I don't like the idea of changing your homeworld, because that would be a pain in the *** for fleeters.
      The redirection (if you don't mind making activity) is nice idea.
    • i dont really see a need of changing the home planet except for to try hiding that you're online.
      thats the main reason why i dislike the idea on how it was presented by the thread-creater.

      a redirection (which is surely possible) would solve his problem and
      would redirect him to his "HQ" on login causing double activity (once at HP / once at "HQ")