Update 5.2.1

    • Update 5.2.1

      Hi Tester,

      today we will update the test server with our latest version 5.2.1 and its following changelog:

      [Polishing] Performance optimization
      [Polishing] Usability: DropDowns
      [Bugfix] IPad: Problems with event overlay / icon
      [Bugfix] IE 8: switch galaxy requires two clicks
      {Bugfix] IE 8: not possible to open messages
      [Bugfix] sev. text errors
      [Bugfix] Import / Export event broken

      Thanks for your help
      Your OGame Origin Team
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • Hi Testers,

      today we will update the origin testserver with 5.2.1-rc5

      • [Bugs] Text at "forgot password" shifted
      • [Bugs] Patchnotes: HTML list code in incorrect order
      • [Bugs] Fatal error at research
      • [Bugs] Usability - Dropdowns
      • [Bugs] IE8: Galaxy/system change requires 2 clicks
      • [Bugs] Research time of graviton technology rounded down - 0s (display error)
      • [Bugs] Missing moon figure on espionage action message
      • [Bugs] Galaxy: When attacking a planet and recycling the corresponding debris field before, the DF is marked as being attacked
      • [Bugs] merchant round bug
      • [Bugs] Alliance circular message: Only 1.999 characters can be sent
      • [Bugs] Phalanx: Title does not change when phalanxing different planets one after the other
      • [Bugs] Eventlist: If you open and close an ACS attack, the entry disappears
      • [Bugs] Eventlist & Fleet Movements: Moon figure shown for target of expedition fleet if Expedition was started from a moon
      • [Bugs] Fatal error in game shown after login
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.