Hi Tester,
today we will update the test server with our latest version 5.2.1 and its following changelog:
Thanks for your help
Your OGame Origin Team
today we will update the test server with our latest version 5.2.1 and its following changelog:
[Polishing] Performance optimization
[Polishing] Usability: DropDowns
[Bugfix] IPad: Problems with event overlay / icon
[Bugfix] IE 8: switch galaxy requires two clicks
{Bugfix] IE 8: not possible to open messages
[Bugfix] sev. text errors
[Bugfix] Import / Export event broken
Thanks for your help
Your OGame Origin Team
- - - WTH was here - - -
ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
yeah my girlfriend too :P
ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
yeah my girlfriend too :P