When we are using the option of "search player" at the top of the screen, we write an aleatory player name . And pulsing "enter" in the keyboard we can see his the principal planet (PP) situation, and we can see his ranking and his "status"( if he is a strong player, or a noob player, or if he is on holiday mode, or if he is an outlaw player, or an honourable objective, etc.... )
Suggestion: Change the following......bug?
If we are searching for a player who has been banned (in the option of "search a player" ), we cant see if he is on vacation mode or not....My suggestion, is change this.
Suggestion: Change the following......bug?
If we are searching for a player who has been banned (in the option of "search a player" ), we cant see if he is on vacation mode or not....My suggestion, is change this.
Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
Deconstruction Time Needed
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