Solve depopulation problem

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    • Solve depopulation problem

      warning: Google translation xDD!!

      I think problem of depopulation is "easy" to solve.

      There are two keys in order to solve it. One has already been done:

      The first: Fusion (done)

      The problem of fusion is:

      You will be merging all old universes when it is required. In a few years there wont be enough universes for margin. In this step we could start to merging universes of different countries.

      This necessarily leads to the second key. Since I try to avoid that someday, have merged all the old unis in the world and emerge again the same problem of depopulation. Because we recognize that the merger becomes a patch. A very interesting patch, but a patch since it does not prevent the problem, but it fixes it temporarily.

      The second key: get some advantages to small tops.

      Well, in the future people who register in old unis needs to have some advantages over other players. These advantages will win as losing points. This will facilitate arriving at the top with the others, are encouraged to register in old unis and also largely avoids depopulation.

      example of what I mean: suppose that the average point of uni is 5M.

      Top of from 0 to 1M points ---> x2 game speed, mine production +50%, -20% research time
      Top of between 1M 2M points ---> play speed x2, mines production +50%
      Top of between 2M to 3M points ---> x2 game speed
      Top of between 3M to 4M points ---> no advantage

      The general idea is to grow at rapid pace, reaching more or less average. Achieve, in a year or year and a half.
      For example, many people now, especially at the beginning of the merger they wanted to get into the 60 universe (merged spa uni), but did not because there or they give you an account, or have nothing to do registering from 0. So by this measure, all this would change. There would be an "accountbum" at the beginning of each merger.

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      El problema de la despoblación es bien sencillo.

      Las claves son dos. Una ya se ha hecho, y la otra empezando ha hacer.

      La primera : Fusión

      Ir fusionando todos los unis antiguos cuando sea requerido. Si no quedan mas por fusionar de un país, ir haciendo fusiones globales.

      Esto da lugar forzosamente a la segunda clave. Ya que trata de evitar que algún día, se hayan fusionado todos los unis viejos del mundo y surja otra vez el mismo problema de la despoblación. Porque reconozcamos que la fusión viene a ser un parche. Un parche muy interesante, pero un parche ya que no evita el problema, si no que lo soluciona temporalmente.

      La segunda clave: Que ya se esta empezando ha hacer, que se ponen muchas ventajas a los top pequeños.

      Pues en un futuro habrá que hacer que los user que se registren en unis antiguos, tengan muchas ventajas con respecto al resto de jugadores. Estas ventajas se irán perdiendo conforme ganemos puntos. De esta forma se facilita que lleguen al top que tienen los demás, se incentiva que se registren en unis antiguos y ademas se evita en gran medida la despoblación.

      ejemplo de lo que digo: Suponemos que la media en puntos del uni es 5M.

      Top de entre 0 puntos a 1M ---> velocidad juego x2, +50% producción minas, -20% tiempo investigación
      Top de entre 1M puntos a 2M ---> velocidad juego x2, +50% producción minas
      Top de entre 2M puntos a 3M ---> velocidad juego x2
      Top de entre 3M puntos a 4M ---> ninguna ventaja

      La idea general es que crezcan a ritmos vertiginosos, hasta alcanzar mas o menos la media. Alcanzarla, en un año o año y medio.
      Por ejemplo, ahora hay mucha gente, sobre todo al principio de la fusión que querían meterse en el 60, pero no lo hicieron porque ahi o te regalan una cuenta, o no tienes nada que hacer registrándote desde 0. Entonces con esta medida, todo esto cambiaría. Habría un "cuentabum" al principio de cada fusión. Y de todas estas, pon que un 10% se quedasen ya "para siempre"

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    • The first one is not really a solution ... it just slows the process. After some time players will stop and the universe will start to empty again.
      I like the second one though, that might just make it more attractive for people to start playing an "older" universe.

      But the real thing to do is giving OGame some publicity! I started playing OGame because a friend of mine told me it was fun. Most people I know started playing OGame that way.
      But I have never, never, seen any advertisement for OGame. So how will people discover this great game called OGame??
    • Yeah men, the sugg, was the second one. The firstpart was a commentary saying that fusion is a patch and in the end the results will be the same: depopulation.

      What you say is true, ogame needs more publicity. But needs make it more attractive for people to start playing an "older" universe to. if not, in a future old universes will be with the same problem again....

      But, the idea is not only make more attractive old universes, is MAKE THE NEW ACCOUNTS grow faster and faster in order to regenerate depopulation universes. The idea is the possibility to get a (for example) 5M account in 1 year instead 2 or 3 years. This could be the solution.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raszagal88 ().