Bimbim [TBW] vs Lecastor TD 42.639.000

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    • Bimbim [TBW] vs Lecastor TD 42.639.000

      Never posted on the board before so go easy on me :D

      Seen this guys planets before and attacked the undefended ones, so i decided to take his turtle out too.
      Made about 60kk off his other planets and IPMd his main to cut losses, as I didn't want to lose the res to someone else I decided to attack today

      Battle of the day Thursday, November 29, 2012
      The battle lasted 3 rounds

      Attackers (1):
      BimBim [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Large Cargo 850 Lost 61
      Light Fighter 5.017 Lost 809
      Heavy Fighter 427 Lost 28
      Cruiser 1.000 Lost 56
      Battleship 522 Lost 14
      Bomber 105 Lost 3
      Destroyer 200 Lost 0
      Battlecruiser 553 Lost 9
      Loses 7.747.000 units
      (5.131.000 Metal, 2.324.000 Crystal, 292.000 Deuterium)

      Defenders (1):
      LeCastor [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Small Cargo 800 Lost 800
      Recycler 1 Lost 1
      Solar Satellite 24 Lost 24
      Heavy Laser 966 Lost 966
      Gauss Cannon 96 Lost 96
      Ion Cannon 218 Lost 218
      Plasma Turret 143 Lost 143
      Loses 34.892.000 units
      (16.912.000 Metal, 13.484.000 Crystal, 4.496.000 Deuterium)

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 9.227.589 Metal, 2.663.329 Crystal, 1.983.333 Deuterium

      Attacking fleet: 7.747.000 units
      Defending fleet: 34.892.000 units
      Total: 42.639.000 units

      Debris (161 Recycler)
      Metal: 2.022.300 units
      Crystal: 1.193.400 units

      Profitability (161 Recycler)
      Attackers (recycling): [120%] 9.342.951 units
      (6.118.889 Metal, 1.532.729 Crystal, 1.691.333 Deuterium)

      Attackers (no recycle): [79%] 6.127.251 units
      (4.096.589 Metal, 339.329 Crystal, 1.691.333 Deuterium)

      Defenders (recycling): [-91%] -31.676.300 units
      (-14.889.700 Metal, -12.290.600 Crystal, -4.496.000 Deuterium)

      The chance for a moon to be created is 20%

      Hopefully more to come 8o