Cumulative Cost - translations

    • Cumulative Cost - translations

      For Cumulative Cost


      Language name: English

      "mmine" => "Metal Mine",
      "cmine" => "Crystal Mine",
      "dmine" => "Deuterium Synthesizer",
      "solar" => "Solar Plant",
      "fusion" => "Fusion Reactor",
      "mstore" => "Metal Storage",
      "cstore" => "Crystal Storage",
      "dstore" => "Deuterium Tank",
      "ssat" => "Solar Satellite",
      "robo" => "Robotics Factory",
      "shipyard" => "Shipyard",
      "rlab" => "Research Lab",
      "adepot" => "Alliance Depot",
      "msilo" => "Missile Silo",
      "nanite" => "Nanite Factory",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Lunar Base",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensor Phalanx",
      "jgate" => "Jump Gate",
      "entech" => "Energy Technology",
      "laser" => "Laser Technology",
      "ion" => "Ion Technology",
      "htech" => "Hyperspace Technology",
      "plasma" => "Plasma Technology",
      "spy" => "Espionage Technology",
      "comp" => "Computer Technology",
      "astro" => "Astrophysics",
      "irn" => "Intergalactic Research Network",
      "grav" => "Graviton Technology",
      "combust" => "Combustion Drive",
      "impulse" => "Impulse Drive",
      "hdrive" => "Hyperspace Drive",
      "weapons" => "Weapons Technology",
      "shielding" => "Shielding Technology",
      "armour" => "Armour Technology",
      "res" => "Resources",
      "fac" => "Facilities",
      "tech" => "Research",
      "headres" => "Cumulative costs and time for resource buildings",
      "headfac" => "Cumulative costs and time for facilities",
      "headtech" => "Cumulative costs and time for research",
      "headtot" => "Total cumulative costs",
      "unisp" => "Universe speed",
      "decon" => "Enable deconstruction",
      "techno" => "Technocrat",
      "showdm" => "Show dark matter cost",
      "current" => "Current",
      "desired" => "Desired",
      "cost" => "Cost",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Crystal",
      "deut" => "Deuterium",
      "energy" => "Energy",
      "cargo" => "Cargoes",
      "smallc" => "Small",
      "largec" => "Large",
      "points" => "Points",
      "tyme" => "Time",
      "dmatter" => "Dark Matter",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Lunar Buildings",
      "total" => "Total",
      "reset" => "Reset",
      "resetall" => "All",
      "planet" => "Planet",
      "moon2" => "Moon"


      Language name: Deutsch

      "mmine" => "Metallmine",
      "cmine" => "Kristallmine",
      "dmine" => "Deuterium-Synthetisierer",
      "solar" => "Solarkraftwerk",
      "fusion" => "Fusionskraftwerk",
      "mstore" => "Metallspeicher",
      "cstore" => "Kristallspeicher",
      "dstore" => "Deuteriumtank",
      "ssat" => "Solarsatellit",
      "robo" => "Roboterfabrik",
      "shipyard" => "Raumschiffswerft",
      "rlab" => "Forschungslabor",
      "adepot" => "Allianzdepot",
      "msilo" => "Raketensilo",
      "nanite" => "Nanitenfabrik",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Mondbasis",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensorphalanx",
      "jgate" => "Sprungtor",
      "entech" => "Energietechnik",
      "laser" => "Lasertechnik",
      "ion" => "Ionentechnik",
      "htech" => "Hyperraumtechnik",
      "plasma" => "Plasmatechnik",
      "spy" => "Spionagetechnik",
      "comp" => "Computertechnik",
      "astro" => "Astrophysik",
      "irn" => "Intergalaktisches Forschungsnetzwerk",
      "grav" => "Gravitonforschung",
      "combust" => "Verbrennungstriebwerk",
      "impulse" => "Impulstriebwerk",
      "hdrive" => "Hyperraumantrieb",
      "weapons" => "Waffentechnik",
      "shielding" => "Schildtechnik",
      "armour" => "Raumschiffpanzerung",
      "res" => "Versorgung",
      "fac" => "Anlagen",
      "tech" => "Forschung",
      "headres" => "Kumulierte Kosten und Zeit für die Versorgung",
      "headfac" => "Kumulierte Kosten und Zeit für die Anlagen",
      "headtech" => "Kumulierte Kosten und Zeit für die Forschung",
      "headtot" => "Gesamte kumulierte Kosten",
      "unisp" => "Geschwindigkeit des Universums",
      "decon" => "Aktiviere Abrissfunktion",
      "techno" => "Technokrat",
      "showdm" => "Zeige Kosten mit Dunkler Materie",
      "current" => "Aktuelle",
      "desired" => "Erwünscht",
      "cost" => "Kosten",
      "metal" => "Metall",
      "crystal" => "Kristall",
      "deut" => "Deuterium",
      "energy" => "Energie",
      "cargo" => "Transporter",
      "smallc" => "Kleiner",
      "largec" => "Großer",
      "points" => "Punkte",
      "tyme" => "Zeit",
      "dmatter" => "Dunkle Materie",
      "separator" => ".",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Mond Gebäude",
      "total" => "Summe",
      "reset" => "Zurücksetzen",
      "resetall" => "Alle",
      "planet" => "Planet",
      "moon2" => "Mond"

      I used google translate for the non-game DE strings, so they're probably a bit off. >_> Also, I never did a few strings that I added later in development, check for the bold. Should be fixed with fl00ri's help. :)

      Also blame Kramagon for overwriting this post instead of replying. :P


      12 Nov 2015
      Added TR, thanks GameMaster
      Updated DE, thanks fl00ri

      17 Oct 2015
      Added IT, thanks Bluplanet

      13 Oct 2015
      Removed the keys for dens, as dens have been removed from the calculator for version 6.

      30 Sept 2013
      Added TW translation, thanks Xunfop

      5 March 2013
      Added PT translation, thanks Marflabr
      Added BR translation, thanks STRYKER

      7 Dec 2012:
      Added PL, thanks buleon.

      28 Nov 2012:
      Added NL, thanks Warsaalk.

      27 Nov 2012:
      Added ES, thanks Kramagon.
      Added FR, thanks jrme.
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions

      The post was edited 11 times, last by kwinse ().

    • ES
      Language name: Español

      "mmine" => "Mina de Metal",
      "cmine" => "Mina de Cristal",
      "dmine" => "Sintetizador de Deuterio",
      "solar" => "Planta de Energía Solar",
      "fusion" => "Planta de Fusión",
      "mstore" => "Almacén de Metal",
      "cstore" => "Almacén de Cristal",
      "dstore" => "Contenedor de Deuterio",
      "mden" => "Escondite Blindado de Metal",
      "cden" => "Escondite Subterráneo de Cristal",
      "dden" => "Escondite Marítimo de Deuterio",
      "ssat" => "Satélite Solar",
      "robo" => "Fábrica de Robots",
      "shipyard" => "Hangar",
      "rlab" => "Laboratorio de Investigación",
      "adepot" => "Depósito de la Alianza",
      "msilo" => "Silo",
      "nanite" => "Fábricas de Nanobots",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Base Lunar",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensor Phalanx",
      "jgate" => "Salto Cuántico",
      "entech" => "Tecnología de Energía",
      "laser" => "Tecnología Láser",
      "ion" => "Tecnología Iónica",
      "htech" => "Tecnología de Hiperespacio",
      "plasma" => "Tecnología de Plasma",
      "spy" => "Tecnología de Espionaje",
      "comp" => "Tecnología de Computación",
      "astro" => "Astrofísica",
      "irn" => "Re de Investigación Intergaláctica",
      "grav" => "Tecnología de Gravitón",
      "combust" => "Motor de Combustión",
      "impulse" => "Motor de Impulso",
      "hdrive" => "Propulsor Hiperespacial",
      "weapons" => "Tecnología Militar",
      "shielding" => "Tecnología de Defensa",
      "armour" => "Tecnología de Blindaje",
      "res" => "Recursos",
      "fac" => "Instalaciones",
      "tech" => "Investigaciones",
      "headres" => "Coste acumulativo y tiempo para edificios de recursos",
      "headfac" => "Coste acumulativo y tiempo para instalaciones",
      "headtech" => "Coste acumulativo y tiempo para investigaciones",
      "headtot" => "Coste total acumulativo",
      "unisp" => "Velocidad de Universo",
      "decon" => "Demolición",
      "techno" => "Tecnócrata",
      "showdm" => "Mostrar el coste de materia oscura",
      "current" => "Actual",
      "desired" => "Deseado",
      "cost" => "Coste",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Cristal",
      "deut" => "Deuterio",
      "energy" => "Energía",
      "cargo" => "Carguero",
      "smallc" => "Pequeño",
      "largec" => "Grande",
      "points" => "Puntos",
      "tyme" => "Tiempo",
      "dmatter" => "Materia Oscura",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Edificios Lunares",
      "total" => "Total",
      "reset" => "Resetear",
      "resetall" => "Todo"
    • FR
      Language name: Français

      "mmine" => "Mine de métal",
      "cmine" => "Mine de cristal",
      "dmine" => "Synthétiseur de deutérium",
      "solar" => "Centrale électrique solaire",
      "fusion" => "Centrale électrique de fusion",
      "mstore" => "Hangar de métal",
      "cstore" => "Hangar de cristal",
      "dstore" => "Réservoir de deutérium",
      "mden" => "Cachette de métal camouflée",
      "cden" => "Cachette de cristal souterraine",
      "dden" => "Cachette de deutérium sous-marine",
      "ssat" => "Satellite solaire",
      "robo" => "Usine de robots",
      "shipyard" => "Chantier spatial",
      "rlab" => "Laboratoire de recherche",
      "adepot" => "Dépôt de ravitaillement",
      "msilo" => "Silo de missiles",
      "nanite" => "Usine de nanites",
      "terraform" => "Terraformeur",
      "lbase" => "Base lunaire",
      "sphalanx" => "Phalange de capteur",
      "jgate" => "Porte de saut spacial",
      "entech" => "Technologie énergie",
      "laser" => "Technologie Laser",
      "ion" => "Technologie Ions",
      "htech" => "Technologie hyperespace",
      "plasma" => "Technologie Plasma",
      "spy" => "Technologie Espionnage",
      "comp" => "Technologie Ordinateur",
      "astro" => "Astrophysique",
      "irn" => "Réseau de recherche intergalactique",
      "grav" => "Technologie Graviton",
      "combust" => "Réacteur à combustion",
      "impulse" => "Réacteur à impulsion",
      "hdrive" => "Propulsion hyperespace",
      "weapons" => "Technologie Armes",
      "shielding" => "Technologie Bouclier",
      "armour" => "Technologie Protection des vaisseaux spatiaux",
      "res" => "Ressources",
      "fac" => "Installations",
      "tech" => "Recherche",
      "headres" => "Temps et coûts approximatifs pour les bâtiments de ressources",
      "headfac" => "Temps et coûts approximatifs pour les installations",
      "headtech" => "Temps et coûts approximatifs pour les recherches",
      "headtot" => "Coûts cumulatifs totaux",
      "unisp" => "Vitesse de l'univers",
      "decon" => "Activer la déconstruction",
      "techno" => "Technocrate",
      "showdm" => "Afficher le coût d'antimatière",
      "current" => "Actuel",
      "desired" => "Désiré",
      "cost" => "Coût",
      "metal" => "Métal",
      "crystal" => "Cristal",
      "deut" => "Deutérium",
      "energy" => "Energie",
      "cargo" => "Transporteurs",
      "smallc" => "Petits",
      "largec" => "Grands",
      "points" => "Points",
      "tyme" => "Temps",
      "dmatter" => "Antimatière",
      "separator" => ".",
      "days" => "j",
      "moon" => "Bâtiments lunaires",
      "total" => "Total",
      "reset" => "Réinitialiser",
      "resetall" => "Tous"
    • NL
      Language name: Nederlands

      "mmine" => "Metaalmijn",
      "cmine" => "Kristalmijn",
      "dmine" => "Deuteriumfabriek",
      "solar" => "Zonne-energiecentrale",
      "fusion" => "Fusiecentrale",
      "mstore" => "Metaalopslag",
      "cstore" => "Kristalopslag",
      "dstore" => "Deuteriumtank",
      "mden" => "Metaal schuilplaats",
      "cden" => "Ondergrondse kristalschuilplaats",
      "dden" => "Onderzeese Deuterium schuilplaats",
      "ssat" => "Zonne-energiesatelliet",
      "robo" => "Robotfabriek",
      "shipyard" => "Werf",
      "rlab" => "Onderzoekslab",
      "adepot" => "Alliantiehangar",
      "msilo" => "Raketsilo",
      "nanite" => "Nanorobotfabriek",
      "terraform" => "Terravormer",
      "lbase" => "Maanbasis",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensorphalanx",
      "jgate" => "Sprongpoort",
      "entech" => "Energietechniek",
      "laser" => "Lasertechniek",
      "ion" => "Iontechniek",
      "htech" => "Hyperruimtetechniek",
      "plasma" => "Plasmatechniek",
      "spy" => "Spionagetechniek",
      "comp" => "Computertechniek",
      "astro" => "Astrofysica",
      "irn" => "Intergalactisch Onderzoeksnetwerk",
      "grav" => "Gravitontechniek",
      "combust" => "Verbrandingsmotor",
      "impulse" => "Impulsmotor",
      "hdrive" => "Hyperruimtemotor",
      "weapons" => "Wapentechniek",
      "shielding" => "Schildtechniek",
      "armour" => "Pantsertechniek",
      "res" => "Grondstoffen",
      "fac" => "Faciliteiten",
      "tech" => "Onderzoek",
      "headres" => "Cumulatieve kosten en tijd voor productiegebouwen",
      "headfac" => "Cumulatieve kosten en tijd voor facilitaire gebouwen",
      "headtech" => "Cumulatieve kosten en tijd voor onderzoeken",
      "headtot" => "Totale cumulatieve kosten",
      "unisp" => "Universum snelheid",
      "decon" => "Afbraak toestaan",
      "techno" => "Technocraat",
      "showdm" => "Laat Donkere Materie kost zien",
      "current" => "Huidige",
      "desired" => "Gewenst",
      "cost" => "Kost",
      "metal" => "Metaal",
      "crystal" => "Kristal",
      "deut" => "Deuterium",
      "energy" => "Energie",
      "cargo" => "Vrachtschepen",
      "smallc" => "Klein",
      "largec" => "Groot",
      "points" => "Punten",
      "tyme" => "Tijd",
      "dmatter" => "Donkere Materie",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Maan gebouwen",
      "total" => "Totaal",
      "reset" => "Opnieuw",
      "resetall" => "Alle",
      "planet" => "Planeet",
      "moon2" => "Maan"
    • PL

      Language name: Polish

      "mmine" => "Kopalnia metalu",
      "cmine" => "Kopalnia kryształu",
      "dmine" => "Ekstraktor deuteru",
      "solar" => "Elektrownia słoneczna",
      "fusion" => "Elektrownia fuzyjna",
      "mstore" => "Magazyn metalu",
      "cstore" => "Magazyn kryształu",
      "dstore" => "Zbiornik deuteru",
      "mden" => "Oddalona kryjówka metalu",
      "cden" => "Podziemna kryjówka na kryształ",
      "dden" => "Kryjówka na deuter na dnie morza",
      "ssat" => "Satelita słoneczny",
      "robo" => "Fabryka robotów",
      "shipyard" => "Stocznia",
      "rlab" => "Laboratorium badawcze",
      "adepot" => "Depozyt sojuszniczy",
      "msilo" => "Silos rakietowy",
      "nanite" => "Fabryka nanitów",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Stacja księżycowa",
      "sphalanx" => "Falanga czujników",
      "jgate" => "Teleporter",
      "entech" => "Technologia energetyczna",
      "laser" => "Technologia laserowa",
      "ion" => "Technologia jonowa",
      "htech" => "Technologia nadprzestrzenna",
      "plasma" => "Technologia plazmowa",
      "spy" => "Technologia szpiegowska",
      "comp" => "Technologia komputerowa",
      "astro" => "Astrofizyka",
      "irn" => "Międzygalaktyczna Sieć Badań Naukowych",
      "grav" => "Rozwój grawitonów",
      "combust" => "Napęd spalinowy",
      "impulse" => "Napęd impulsowy",
      "hdrive" => "Napęd nadprzestrzenny",
      "weapons" => "Technologia bojowa",
      "shielding" => "Technologia ochronna",
      "armour" => "Opancerzenie",
      "res" => "Surowce",
      "fac" => "Stacja",
      "tech" => "Badania",
      "headres" => "Łączne koszty i czas budowy budynków surowcowych",
      "headfac" => "Łączne koszty i czas budowy budynków stacji",
      "headtech" => "Łączne koszty i czas przeprowadzenia badań",
      "headtot" => "Całkowite łączne koszty",
      "unisp" => "Prędkość uniwersum",
      "decon" => "Koszty wyburzania",
      "techno" => "Technokrata",
      "showdm" => "Pokaż koszt antymaterii",
      "current" => "Obecny",
      "desired" => "Wymarzony",
      "cost" => "Koszt",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Kryształ",
      "deut" => "Deuter",
      "energy" => "Energia",
      "cargo" => "Transportery",
      "smallc" => "Mały",
      "largec" => "Duży",
      "points" => "Punkty",
      "tyme" => "Czas",
      "dmatter" => "Antymateria",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Budynki na księżycu",
      "total" => "Suma",
      "reset" => "Skasuj",
      "resetall" => "Wszystko",
      "planet" => "Planeta",
      "moon2" => "Księżyc"
    • PT
      Language name: Português

      "mmine" => "Mina de Metal",
      "cmine" => "Mina de Cristal",
      "dmine" => "Sintetizador de Deutério",
      "solar" => "Planta de Energia Solar",
      "fusion" => "Planta de Fusão",
      "mstore" => "Armazém de Metal",
      "cstore" => "Armazém de Cristal",
      "dstore" => "Tanque de Deutério",
      "mden" => "Esconderijo de Metal Subterrâneo",
      "cden" => "Esconderijo de Cristal Subterrâneo",
      "dden" => "Esconderijo de Deutério Subterrâneo",
      "ssat" => "Satélite Solar",
      "robo" => "Fábrica de Robots",
      "shipyard" => "Hangar",
      "rlab" => "Laboratório de Pesquisas",
      "adepot" => "Depósito da Aliança",
      "msilo" => "Silo de Mísseis",
      "nanite" => "Fábrica de Nanites",
      "terraform" => "Terra-Formador",
      "lbase" => "Base Lunar",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensor Phalanx",
      "jgate" => "Portal de Salto Quântico",
      "entech" => "Tecnologia de Energia",
      "laser" => "Tecnologia Laser",
      "ion" => "Tecnologia de Iões",
      "htech" => "Tecnologia de Hiperespaço",
      "plasma" => "Tecnologia de Plasma",
      "spy" => "Tecnologia de Espionagem",
      "comp" => "Tecnologia de Computadores",
      "astro" => "Astrofísica",
      "irn" => "Rede Intergaláctica de Pesquisas",
      "grav" => "Tecnologia de Gravitação",
      "combust" => "Motor de Combustão",
      "impulse" => "Motor de Impulsão",
      "hdrive" => "Motor Propulsor de Hiperespaço",
      "weapons" => "Tecnologia de Armas",
      "shielding" => "Tecnologia de Escudo",
      "armour" => "Tecnologia de Blindagem",
      "res" => "Recursos",
      "fac" => "Instalações",
      "tech" => "Pesquisas",
      "headres" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para edifícios de recursos",
      "headfac" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para instalações",
      "headtech" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para pesquisas",
      "headtot" => "Custos acumulados totais",
      "unisp" => "Velocidade do Universo",
      "decon" => "Habilitar demolição",
      "techno" => "Cientista",
      "showdm" => "Mostrar custo de Matéria Negra",
      "current" => "Atual",
      "desired" => "Desejado",
      "cost" => "Custo",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Cristal",
      "deut" => "Deutério",
      "energy" => "Energia",
      "cargo" => "Cargueiros",
      "smallc" => "Pequenos",
      "largec" => "Grandes",
      "points" => "Pontos",
      "tyme" => "Tempo",
      "dmatter" => "Matéria Negra",
      "separator" => ".",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Edifícios Lunares",
      "total" => "Total",
      "reset" => "Reset",
      "resetall" => "Tudo",
      "planet" => "Planeta",
      "moon2" => "Lua"
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • BR
      Language name: Português (Brasil)

      "mmine" => "Mina de Metal",
      "cmine" => "Mina de Cristal",
      "dmine" => "Sintetizador de Deutério",
      "solar" => "Planta de Energia Solar",
      "fusion" => "Planta de Fusão",
      "mstore" => "Armazém de Metal",
      "cstore" => "Armazém de Cristal",
      "dstore" => "Tanque de Deutério",
      "mden" => "Esconderijo de Metal",
      "cden" => "Esconderijo de Cristal",
      "dden" => "Esconderijo de Deutério",
      "ssat" => "Satélite Solar",
      "robo" => "Fábrica de Robôs",
      "shipyard" => "Hangar",
      "rlab" => "Laboratório de Pesquisas",
      "adepot" => "Depósito da Aliança",
      "msilo" => "Silo de Mísseis",
      "nanite" => "Fábrica de Nanites",
      "terraform" => "Terra-Formador",
      "lbase" => "Base Lunar",
      "sphalanx" => "Sensor Phalanx",
      "jgate" => "Portal de Salto Quântico",
      "entech" => "Tecnologia de Energia",
      "laser" => "Tecnologia Laser",
      "ion" => "Tecnologia de Iões",
      "htech" => "Tecnologia de Hiperespaço",
      "plasma" => "Tecnologia de Plasma",
      "spy" => "Tecnologia de Espionagem",
      "comp" => "Tecnologia de Computadores",
      "astro" => "Astrofísica",
      "irn" => "Rede Intergaláctica de Pesquisas",
      "grav" => "Tecnologia de Gravitação",
      "combust" => "Motor de Combustão",
      "impulse" => "Motor de Impulsão",
      "hdrive" => "Motor Propulsor de Hiperespaço",
      "weapons" => "Tecnologia de Armas",
      "shielding" => "Tecnologia de Escudo",
      "armour" => "Tecnologia de Blindagem",
      "res" => "Recursos",
      "fac" => "Instalações",
      "tech" => "Pesquisas",
      "headres" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para edifícios de recursos",
      "headfac" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para instalações",
      "headtech" => "Custos acumulados e tempo para pesquisas",
      "headtot" => "Custo acumulado total",
      "unisp" => "Velocidade do Universo",
      "decon" => "Habilitar demolição",
      "techno" => "Cientista",
      "showdm" => "Mostrar custo de Matéria Negra",
      "current" => "Atual",
      "desired" => "Desejado",
      "cost" => "Custo",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Cristal",
      "deut" => "Deutério",
      "energy" => "Energia",
      "cargo" => "Cargueiros",
      "smallc" => "Pequenos",
      "largec" => "Grandes",
      "points" => "Pontos",
      "tyme" => "Tempo",
      "dmatter" => "Matéria Negra",
      "separator" => ".",
      "days" => "d",
      "moon" => "Edifícios Lunares",
      "total" => "Total",
      "reset" => "Reset",
      "resetall" => "Tudo",
      "planet" => "Planeta",
      "moon2" => "Lua"

      Board Admin & Representative OGame Brazil
    • TW

      Language name: 繁體中文

      "mmine" => "金屬礦",
      "cmine" => "晶體礦",
      "dmine" => "重氫合成器",
      "solar" => "太陽能發電廠",
      "fusion" => "核融合反應器",
      "mstore" => "金屬儲存器",
      "cstore" => "晶體儲存器",
      "dstore" => "重氫儲存槽",
      "mden" => "盾防金屬集束倉",
      "cden" => "地底晶體堆存倉",
      "dden" => "海床重氫壓縮倉",
      "ssat" => "太陽能衛星",
      "robo" => "機器人工廠",
      "shipyard" => "造船廠",
      "rlab" => "研究實驗室",
      "adepot" => "聯盟太空站",
      "msilo" => "導彈發射井",
      "nanite" => "奈米機器人工廠",
      "terraform" => "地形改造器",
      "lbase" => "月球基地",
      "sphalanx" => "感應陣列",
      "jgate" => "空間跳躍門",
      "entech" => "能源技術",
      "laser" => "雷射技術",
      "ion" => "離子技術",
      "htech" => "超空間科技",
      "plasma" => "電漿技術",
      "spy" => "間諜偵察技術",
      "comp" => "電腦技術",
      "astro" => "天體物理學",
      "irn" => "星際研究網路",
      "grav" => "重子技術",
      "combust" => "燃燒引擎",
      "impulse" => "脈衝引擎",
      "hdrive" => "超空間引擎",
      "weapons" => "武器技術",
      "shielding" => "防禦盾技術",
      "armour" => "裝甲技術",
      "res" => "資源",
      "fac" => "設施",
      "tech" => "科技",
      "headres" => "資源建築總計花費和時間",
      "headfac" => "設施總計花費和時間",
      "headtech" => "科技總計花費和時間",
      "headtot" => "總計花費",
      "unisp" => "宇宙速度",
      "decon" => "開啟降級拆除",
      "techno" => "技術專家",
      "showdm" => "顯示暗物質費用",
      "current" => "目前",
      "desired" => "預計",
      "cost" => "花費",
      "metal" => "金屬",
      "crystal" => "晶體",
      "deut" => "重氫",
      "energy" => "能源",
      "cargo" => "運輸船",
      "smallc" => "小運",
      "largec" => "大運",
      "points" => "分數",
      "tyme" => "時間",
      "dmatter" => "暗物質",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "天",
      "moon" => "月球建築",
      "total" => "全部",
      "reset" => "重置",
      "resetall" => "全部",
      "planet" => "行星",
      "moon2" => "月球"
    • Marflabr wrote:

      Hey there!

      Just noticed that there's an error in the Research tab... The level of the Research Lab isn't changing the Time to complete the researches...

      The formula somehow is always assuming the Research Lab level as 0.


      Technically it was using the Robotics Factory level. >_> Fixed, thanks!

      @Xunfop: Added, thank you!
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • IT
      Language name: Italiano

      "mmine" => "Miniera di Metallo",
      "cmine" => "Miniera di Cristalli",
      "dmine" => "Sintetizzatore di Deuterio",
      "solar" => "Centrale Solare",
      "fusion" => "Centrale a Fusione",
      "mstore" => "Deposito di Metallo",
      "cstore" => "Deposito di Cristalli",
      "dstore" => "Cisterna di Deuterio",
      "ssat" => "Satellite Solare",
      "robo" => "Fabbrica dei Robot",
      "shipyard" => "Cantiere Spaziale",
      "rlab" => "Laboratorio di Ricerca",
      "adepot" => "Base di Appoggio",
      "msilo" => "Base Missilistica",
      "nanite" => "Fabbrica dei Naniti",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Avamposto Lunare",
      "sphalanx" => "Falange di Sensori",
      "jgate" => "Portale Iperspaziale",
      "entech" => "Tecnologia Energetica",
      "laser" => "Tecnologia dei Laser",
      "ion" => "Tecnologia Ionica",
      "htech" => "Tecnologia Iperspaziale",
      "plasma" => "Tecnologia del Plasma",
      "spy" => "Tecnologia per lo Spionaggio",
      "comp" => "Tecnologia Informatica",
      "astro" => "Astrofisica",
      "irn" => "Rete Interplanetaria di Ricerca",
      "grav" => "Tecnologia Gravitonica",
      "combust" => "Propulsore a Combustione",
      "impulse" => "Propulsore a Impulso",
      "hdrive" => "Propulsore Iperspaziale",
      "weapons" => "Tecnologia delle Armi",
      "shielding" => "Tecnologia degli Scudi",
      "armour" => "Tecnologia delle Corazze",
      "res" => "Risorse",
      "fac" => "Strutture",
      "tech" => "Ricerche",
      "headres" => "Costi e Tempi di Costruzione Cumulativi per le Strutture Minerarie",
      "headfac" => "Costi e Tempi di Costruzione Cumulativi per le Strutture",
      "headtech" => "Costi e Tempi Cumulativi per le Ricerche",
      "headtot" => "Costo Cumulativo Totale",
      "unisp" => "Velocità dell'Universo",
      "decon" => "Abilita Smantellamento",
      "techno" => "Tecnico",
      "showdm" => "Mostra il Costo di Materia Oscura",
      "current" => "Attuale",
      "desired" => "Desiderato",
      "cost" => "Costo",
      "metal" => "Metallo",
      "crystal" => "Cristallo",
      "deut" => "Deuterio",
      "energy" => "Energia",
      "cargo" => "Cargo",
      "smallc" => "Leggero",
      "largec" => "Pesante",
      "points" => "Punti",
      "tyme" => "Tempo",
      "dmatter" => "Materia Oscura",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "g",
      "moon" => "Costruzioni Lunari",
      "total" => "Totale",
      "reset" => "Azzera",
      "resetall" => "Tutto",
      "planet" => "Pianeta",
      "moon2" => "Luna".
    • TR

      Language name: Turkish

      "mmine" => "Metal Madeni",
      "cmine" => "Kristal Madeni",
      "dmine" => "Deuterium Sentezleyicisi",
      "solar" => "Solar Enerji Santrali",
      "fusion" => "Füzyoenerji Santrali",
      "mstore" => "Metal Korunağı",
      "cstore" => "Kristal Korunağı",
      "dstore" => "Deuterium Korunağı",
      "ssat" => "Solar Uydu",
      "robo" => "Robot Fabrikası",
      "shipyard" => "Tersane",
      "rlab" => "Araştırma Labaratuvarı",
      "adepot" => "İttifak Deposu",
      "msilo" => "Roket Silosu",
      "nanite" => "Nanit Fabrikası",
      "terraform" => "Terraformer",
      "lbase" => "Ay Merkez İstasyonu",
      "sphalanx" => "Radar İstasyonu",
      "jgate" => "Sıçrama Geçidi",
      "entech" => "Enerji Tekniği",
      "laser" => "Lazer Tekniği",
      "ion" => "İyon Tekniği",
      "htech" => "Hiperuzay Tekniği",
      "plasma" => "Plazma Tekniği",
      "spy" => "Casusluk Tekniği",
      "comp" => "Bilgisayar Tekniği",
      "astro" => "Astrofizik",
      "irn" => "Galaksiler Arası Araştırma Ağı",
      "grav" => "Gravitasyon Tekniği",
      "combust" => "Yanmalı Motor Takımı",
      "impulse" => "Implus Motor Takımı",
      "hdrive" => "Hiperuzay İticisi",
      "weapons" => "Silah Tekniği",
      "shielding" => "Koruyucu Kalkan Tekniği",
      "armour" => "Uzay Gemisi Zırhlandırması",
      "res" => "Kaynaklar",
      "fac" => "Tesisler",
      "tech" => "Araştırma",
      "headres" => "Kaynak binaları için gerekli maliyet ve süre",
      "headfac" => "Tesisler için gerekli maliyet ve süre",
      "headtech" => "Araştırma için gerekli maliyet ve süre",
      "headtot" => "Toplam gerekli maliyet",
      "unisp" => "Evren Hızı",
      "decon" => "Yıkımı Etkinleştir",
      "techno" => "Teknokrat",
      "showdm" => "Karanlık madde maliyetini göster",
      "current" => "Güncel",
      "desired" => "İstenen",
      "cost" => "Maliyet",
      "metal" => "Metal",
      "crystal" => "Kristal",
      "deut" => "Deuterium",
      "energy" => "Enerji",
      "cargo" => "Nakliye",
      "smallc" => "Küçük",
      "largec" => "Büyük",
      "points" => "Puanlar",
      "tyme" => "Zaman",
      "dmatter" => "Karanlık Madde",
      "separator" => ",",
      "days" => "g",
      "moon" => "Tesisler",
      "total" => "Toplam",
      "reset" => "Sıfırla",
      "resetall" => "Hepsi",
      "planet" => "Gezegen",
      "moon2" => "Ay"
      GameForge - OGame Origin Supporter

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