Cumulative Cost

    • Cumulative Cost

      Cumulative Cost
      • Info : Cumulative Cost is a true cumulative cost calculator
      • Author : Crimson King, kwinse
      • Website :
      • Support : Here, .org
      • Screenshot : Link
      • Browser : Firefox, Chrome (in theory all)
      • Languages : EN, DE, more through Cumulative Cost - translations

        Cumulative Cost is a tool that uses javascript to dynamically calculate the costs and times of buildings and research level by level and add them together. Units are separated into three tables, Resources, Facilities, and Research, with a Totals table.

        -True cumulative cost
        -Options for speed universes and Technocrat
        -Robotics Factory and Nanite Factory ignore their respective overall setting, instead using the level they would actually have for time purposes (e.g. robo 2->4 would use a level 2 then 3 robotics, even if your overall setting is set to, say, 10)
        -Deconstruction enabled via checkbox; cannot deconstruct Terraformers, Lunar Bases, or Research
        -Translation support
        -Optionally shows cost to instant build using Dark Matter

        Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are very welcome.

        Why should we use this instead of [other cumulative cost tool]?
        Every other tool we've seen is inaccurate, calculating costs by a formula which is off by a few units on certain buildings and Astrophysics due to per-level rounding. Additionally, they aren't dynamic, requiring you to press a button to calculate the costs.

        Special thanks to Crazyrest for the hosting.

        (I should have made this thread a long time ago WHOOPS)
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kwinse ().

    • I have been keeping up with this, mostly internal tweaks now and then. Though I did add a feature- when you're building Robotics Factory level <=10, it uses Nanite Factory level 0. It's useful for figuring out the build time for new planets, but does run against the (probably rare) case of a user deconstructing their robo when they do have a nanite.
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • kwinse wrote:

      I have been keeping up with this, mostly internal tweaks now and then. Though I did add a feature- when you're building Robotics Factory level <=10, it uses Nanite Factory level 0. It's useful for figuring out the build time for new planets, but does run against the (probably rare) case of a user deconstructing their robo when they do have a nanite.


      Maybe only making that new feature work when "Enable deconstruction" is not marked would solve the problem, no?
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • I mean, if a player has both a robo 9 and nanite 1 (for example) because they previously deconstructed, they now cannot use the tool as it is now to get the actual build time of their robo 10- it uses a nanite 0 instead. The actual deconstruction calculations didn't change.

      I don't know how many people would actually deconstruct a robo like that but I think players colonize more often.
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • Pushed an update just now. It's mostly internal changes and optimizations. The most noticeable changes are that the language bar is now inline with the buttons, and that the buttons highlight while your mouse is over them like they do ingame.

      As always, let me know if I made a mistake somewhere, or if it looks horrible in your browser.
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions