Technology which reduces deut consumption of fleets

    • Technology which reduces deut consumption of fleets

      Hello folks,

      I know that this thing was already suggested multiple times, but who knows. We was a lot of things implemented ingame, which were originally rejected by GF.

      First of all, it shouldn't necessary be new technology. We can add deut consumption reduce feature to one of the existing technologies, best options are : Hyperspace Technology, Laser Technology, Energy Technology. In my opinion, hyperspace technology perfectly fits for that role, since it uses crystal and deuterium which are most used recources for fleeters. So, let's sum up:

      1. -Why it should be implemented?
        -Because with all new features it's not profitable to be fleeter. And of course, we need to encourage new players to be fleeters.
      2. -How do you suggest to implement it?
        -Take hyperspace technology and boost it. Each level reduces deut consumption for 2%. Considering that last affordable level for most endgame players is going to be 16, I don't think that 32% deut consumption reduce is gamebreaking. Huge fleets are still going to consume a lot of deuterium.

    • In my community someone suggested a similar idea.
      We concluded that the reduction of deut consumption should be related to the lvl of the type engine the ship is flying with.
      Something like this:
      combustion engine: y = 1,5*1,16^x
      impuls engine: y = 2*1,16^x
      hyperspace engine: y = 3*1,16^x

      y: % reduction of deut consumption
      x: lvl of your engine

      Anyway, I like it and I think something like this should be implemented. We just need to pick a good way to do it :)
    • Noot wrote:

      In my community someone suggested a similar idea.
      We concluded that the reduction of deut consumption should be related to the lvl of the type engine the ship is flying with.
      Something like this:
      combustion engine: y = 1,5*1,16^x
      impuls engine: y = 2*1,16^x
      hyperspace engine: y = 3*1,16^x

      y: % reduction of deut consumption
      x: lvl of your engine

      Anyway, I like it and I think something like this should be implemented. We just need to pick a good way to do it :)

      Hmm, not sure if that's a good idea to link deut consumption to engine type. It will certainly increase value of engine researches, because honestly many fleeters just stop on one certain level, after which outcome is very small compared to costs of research. But, I think it will be better to link deut consumption for all engines to one technology, to rule them all :D
    • As the idea was also discussed on the .nl board I was involved in the idea Noot posted.
      I think we should defenitly integrate the deuterium saving in the research of the engine. This way one will have to do three seperate researches to make all ships more efficiënt. But players can also choose one of the engines, perhaps from fleet they use a lot. This way there is no need to create a new research, which should be expensive enough to cover all deuterium savings. And implanting the advantage in one existing research will result in a research that is far to cheap or will leed to way to high costs for the other benefits of the research.

      I strongly recommand to implement this idea on the existing engine researches. This way the savings are limited to the engine type and therfor automacly more expensive when one wants to make the entire fleet more efficiënt.
      And it's logical, better engines might have higher efficiency and therefor the same result for less costs (resulting in deuterium savings).
    • this will make deut less expensive and then the miners will have even less reason to sell deut to fleeters.

      i do think that the main reason is that fleeters dont encourage miners to give them deut (e.g. better exchange rates, win profit participation etc.).

      nevertheless if somehow consumption is reduced miners wouldn't mind since they can now spend more deut to the trader :crazy: (which again doesn't help the problem)
    • marshen wrote:

      this will make deut less expensive and then the miners will have even less reason to sell deut to fleeters.

      I don't understand why this will make deut less expensive ?
      In fact the unique method to solve definitively the fleeters problems is given in that suggestion :
      Deut and fleeters : a way to keep fleeters in Ogame

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.