WIKI To-Do List (ongoing work + further work + searching for help)

    • WIKI To-Do List (ongoing work + further work + searching for help)

      Well, after the short (but intense) meeting about Wiki... now it's time to work and to show you all which tasks we're working on, and where we need some help from you :)
      Let's start.

      Tutorial Updates (EN Templates):
      You can see here the discussion thread about this topic: [Brainstorming] Tutorials update for OGame v3.0/4.0/5.0
      Currently, this is the state of the english templates tutorials:

      Tutorial 00 >> Checked (by Censored, Valent & Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 01 >> Ongoing (see discusion here: Tutorial 01: Basic economy)- Checked by Valent
      Tutorial 02 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 03 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 04 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 05 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 06 >> Updated + Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 07 >> Updated + Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 08 >> Updated + Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 09 >> Updated + Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 10 >> Needs update + checking + uploading to Wiki
      Tutorial 11 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 12 >> Needs update + checking + uploading to Wiki
      Tutorial 13 >> Updated + Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 14 >> Tutorial about noob protection/tactical retreat/honor system (starting point: OGame 3.0 Information Thread)
      Tutorial 15 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 16 >> Checked (by Marlboroman) + Uploaded to Wiki
      Tutorial 17 >> Needs update + checking + uploading to Wiki
      Tutorial 18 >> Needs update + checking + uploading to Wiki
      Tutorial 19 >> Checked ( Valent)
      Tutorial 20 >> Needs to be done

      So any help in any of this updating/checking/uploading tasks will be welcome :P

      Tutorial translations (for EN Templates updated):
      After this hard updating task, some translations will be needed for all languages.
      As an overview:

      Tutorial 00 >> Translation update needed
      Tutorial 01 >> Translation update will be needed soon
      Tutorial 02 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 03 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 04 >> Translation update needed >> Added new features for Ion and Plasma tec
      Tutorial 05 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 06 >> Translation update needed
      Tutorial 07 >> Few changes, Translation update needed >> 72h timing
      Tutorial 08 >> Few changes, Translation update needed >> Outlaw after spying (see Kramagon's post)
      Tutorial 09 >> Translation update needed
      Tutorial 10 >> Translation update will be needed soon
      Tutorial 11 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 12 >> Translation update will be needed
      Tutorial 13 >> Few changes, Translation update needed >> changed from 1:20 to 3:00 AM (see Hyadre's post)
      Tutorial 14 >> New tutorial >> translation task will be needed
      Tutorial 15 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 16 >> Minor changes >> no need
      Tutorial 17 >> Translation update will be needed
      Tutorial 18 >> Translation update will be needed
      Tutorial 19 >> Translation update will be needed
      Tutorial 20 >> New tutorial >> translation task will be needed

      New Wiki ingame screenshots:
      The whole wiki screenshots collection will be updated (for all languages) soon. We'll work on this after finishing the update/uploading of all tutorial chapters.

      OMT updating:
      OMT (Origin Managament Tool) needs to be updated, following the first section of this thread.…e=loca&action=view&type=7…e=wiki&action=view&type=7
      Hyadre and me will work on this to get all the flags and states updated... but please, let us know (via PM/IRC query) if you wanna also collaborate (we'll explain you how it works)
      This tool is crucial to manage the huge amount of matherial and translations we got in Origin :)

      In summary... if you wanna help, just do it (poke some Origin Admin/Supporter or PM to get details how to do it) :P

      PD: Please let me know if I forget something important ^^
    • Tutorial 00
      Tutorial 01
      Tutorial 02 >> offered edits - Icegirl done with it - check subtitles
      Tutorial 03 >> offered edits - Icegirl done with it - red text to be checked/fixed! check subtitles
      Tutorial 04 >> offered edits - Icegirl done with it - check subtitles!
      Tutorial 05 >> offered edits - Icegirl is done with it - check subtitles!
      Tutorial 06 >> offered edits - Icegirl is done with it - check subtitles!
      Tutorial 07 >> offered edits - should be done unless there is something to add
      Tutorial 08 >> offered edits

      Tutorial 09
      Tutorial 10 >> checked !(images + tut14 missing)
      Tutorial 11 >> checked
      Tutorial 12
      Tutorial 13
      Tutorial 14
      Tutorial 15
      Tutorial 16
      Tutorial 17 >> checked
      Tutorial 18 >> offered edits
      Tutorial 19 >> checked - link/words missing in first 2 pharagraphs

      Tutorial 20