Ingame helpers for Noobs

    • Ingame helpers for Noobs

      My suggestion would be to give a New Tag to ingame players in ALL universes that would voluntarily like to help Noobs with ingame questions or help. I am always trying to help Noobs out with my knowledge (almost 5 yrs.) of how to build there account and also how to play safe and sometimes "if" I trust them I will send them care packages to help them grow a bit faster.

      I play Uni 30 and I know quite a few players that would be willing to do this along with me. Because lets face it their are some players that just cant understand the Tutorials on there own or get confused on what is trying to be explained in them.

      I really believe this would help tremendously. That is my 2 cents.... ;)
    • jrme wrote:

      This is bad because even on new universes, most players knows the game very well and it's hard for new player to start playing.
      Yes I agree with that, however their are Noobs joining all the time and most end up quitting because (A) they don't have the knowledge on how to play and most don't know where to find the Tutorials to learn how to play and (B) they get wiped out the minute they come out of Noob status, and then just give up. I know this by chatting with so many. I would say out of all the Noobs I have helped (at least 30) it has been 50% still quit and 50% hung in there and now know the game fairly well .
      Or ADD a Tutorial button on the overview screen somewhere which would take them straight to ALL Tutorials. I have known some that have played a year "not" even knowing about the OGame board/ Forum until I told them how to get there and to register.... ?(
    • It worked well, but the list regularly got out of date due to name changes and people quitting.
      It'd be nice to have something ingame to improve on this concept

      Is it possible to lock a player from changing his/ her name or from quitting without confronting a GO first, that way the list could stay up to date..
    • i have to say that this is definetely something that should be implemented, but the new noob protection features ingame are not going to help

      from what i remeber about the players help players project is that it was more a "we will send you some free resources" and that was kinda it. i tried it when i first started, i joined an older uni and contacted some people from the list and all i got was a few cargos of res, but still had no idea what to do with them heh

      the reason noobs up and leave once they die is because by the time they come out of noob status, they still have no idea what to spend the res on or how to protect their fleet. the whole fleet escape rubbish is not going to help them learn this.

      hopefully the new tutorial being made will make a difference, but you also have to remember that new players want to play, they dont want to sit down and read pages and pages of information for 2-3 hours (even though the start of this game is so painfully slow that you have that time anyway).

      the best to do this in my opinion would be to host daily "lessons" in the IRC, q&a sessions where the users can ask their questions, and provide permanent links and updated info (such as times etc) easily viewable for anyone under a certain amount of points (allow an option to turn it off in the options for more experienced players) and hopefully they will pay attention

      failing that, you could start a "mentoring" scheme where each player in the top 100 for example (after say 6 months) is required to take on a noob and help them out from the start. once they leave noob protection they get another noob. set a time limit for each noob, so if they just go inactive etc after a while a new one is selected, and if the other oen returns well, he is out of luck and missed his opportunity

      it could be rewarded in DM or honourpts
    • I think there are enough ways to get information about the gameplay.
      The ingame tutorial shows them that they have to start to level up the mines and go on with other things after they built their basics.
      The best way is to ask some top-ranked people for any help or at least ask in their alliance.
      Next point is google :D just type any question about ogame and you will find something (guides, tutorial, wiki, board, etc)
      And there is the IRC and ogame-board to search for information.
      Therefore I suggested to create a chat-icon ingame to make that more noticable →see here.

      In my oppinion it is better to figure out the gameplay yourself instead of somebody is telling you what to build.
      Newcomer will keep their interest in it even more. They can feel free, have their untouched imagination and the successful learn effect would boost their motivation. In case they have problems in understanding etc there are enough ways to get help as I said...

      another solution could be an ingame guide, placed at the "alliance" page (will be shown if they aren't in any ally).
      There can be: how to start, roles(fleeter,miner,trader), some answers to FAQs about gameplay (position for colonization, fleetsave, other important basics), links to guides/tutorial/wiki/board etc.