Seria muito útil a implementação de um chat instantâneo para as Alianças, posicionada em toda página do OGame que pode ser minimizada e maximizada evitando assim o acumulo na caixa de mensagens.
Seria bom pois a comunicação poderia ser mais ágil e rápida.
It would be very useful to implement a chat for instant Alliances, positioned throughout OGame page that can be minimized and maximized thus avoiding the accumulation of messages in the box.
It would be good because communication could be more agile and quick.
Seria bom pois a comunicação poderia ser mais ágil e rápida.
It would be very useful to implement a chat for instant Alliances, positioned throughout OGame page that can be minimized and maximized thus avoiding the accumulation of messages in the box.
It would be good because communication could be more agile and quick.
The post was edited 3 times, last by williancp ().