Pinned Apps and tools in official Apps Stores

    • Apps and tools in official Apps Stores

      Dear tool developers,

      Because of the App-development for mobile devices from Gameforge they applied some rules about the presence in official Apps Stores:

      It is not allowed to offer tools and apps in official Apps Stores ( iTunes, Google Play, Windows App Store and Firefox Marketplace ).

      First, the toleration of apps and tools isn't affected here, you can publish them as before in other places ( e.g own server or Origin Project).

      When you pay attention to following exceptional rules, you can publish your app / tool in official stores as before:

      . Take care that your app can't be convinced with the official ogame app by GameForge.
      - No "ogame" somewhere in the name of your app or tool.
      - No Ogame-like logo somewhere and no ogame-like design displayed in the store. ( e.g screenshots )
      - Add a notice in the main page that this is NOT an official Gameforge app or tool.

      Regards, Francolino
    • I made ogame caculator

      I made ogame calculator in appstore.

      now this app have moon Destruction and fleet point Cal.

      I update every a week and will make android version...

      This application name is 'Ge Calculator'

      Thanks :)