- Info: Ogame database, similar to Galaxytool
- Author: hynner
- Website:
- Support: PM or in this thread
- Download:
- Screenshot:
- Browser :All modern browsers
- Languages : English, Czech, others possible
- It is meant as an Galaxytool alternative, the main advantage probably is the use of OgameAPI. I currently use only OgameAPI and Galaxytool plugin for updating (I hope Galaxytool team won´t mind).
- It currently is in early development stage, so more features will be added.
- If you want to test it, I recommend you using localhost for now, unless you have some decent webhosting
- I will be glad for any feedback or help from you, I am also willing to implement some API for script developers to use it for ingame integration if there is any interest
- Here are the list of some of the planned features:
- The rest of Galaxytool features, like fleet movements, which are currently missing
- Raid analysis
- ACS honorability calculator
- improved UI
- support for skins, if I find anyone who will be willing to create some
- notifications - this is actually very great feature I want to implement, but I rather ask you for permission first. Here are some of the things that might be included in notifications - new moon near your colony, new planet/moon of your enemy (will be somehow connected to player status), global change of player status, ...
[/spoiler] - The rest of Galaxytool features, like fleet movements, which are currently missing
The post was edited 3 times, last by hynner: subject change, support added ().