Feature inprovement Usability Moonrename (Moon)

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    • Feature inprovement Usability Moonrename (Moon)

      [Feature Request] Usability Moonrename (Moon)

      this feature has been re-introduced in v5.1 as you all know... but...
      game is putting (Moon) on the begining of the name, which is not what some of us who suggested it had in mind, and frankly players are complaining about it too...

      my suggestion is, move (Moon) at the end of the moon name :)
    • This is intended this way, because in eventlist and in Phalanx (where this is supposed to help) the names are shortened with "..." and the "(Moon)" wouldn't be shown if it was at the end of the name.
    • Many players in our .nl community are complaining too.
      Someone suggested that ´(moon)´ can be replaced with a moon icon. Something like:

      Looks much better and it doesn´t lose its function.
      I quite like this idea ^^

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Potentiel00s ().

    • Hi,

      will it be done via icon or class style (sorry if too technically). I don't think that the method where the rename script adds "(Moon)" before or after the name helps. I don't rename any moons and I still have all my moons without the "(Moon)". Other players may have the same and may gain an advantage out of it.

      Kind regards

      PS: If you touch this again can you please add a class name or something that you can identify the target on movement page with a script? Would be nice :) thx
    • As Icon ^^

      You can check it out, if the new version can be placed on the origin testserver

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