FULLMOON V POLSKA War thread (chat only)

  • FULLMOON V POLSKA War thread (chat only)


    This War will end when:

    TD limit: 1,000,000,000
    Disbandment of either alliance
    War thread goes 7 days without a CR

    Bashing rule Lifts 12 hours after declaration
    War starts as of posted time

    War rules can be found here:
    War Rules

    Cr thread will be posted shortly

    Questions as to why war is declared can be found by a polska member, (shouldn of IPM'd after being hit, u ipm we come back 10 fold)

    that and this uni needs a war lol

    Ranks at start of war:

    Overall - 6th - 6 members -
    9.470.645 - ø1.578.440
    Military - 7th - 2.804.246
    - ø467.374
    HP - 6th - 39.896 - ø6.649
    Miltary lost - 8th - 970.455 - ø161.742
    Militsry destroyed - 2nd - 4.200.375 - ø700.062

    Overall - 4th - 21 members - 12.308.825
    - ø586.134
    Military - 8th - 2.731.455 - ø130.069
    HP - 3rd - 78.614 - ø3.743
    Miltary lost - 5th - 1.218.920 - ø58.043
    Militsry destroyed -8th - 1.011.196 - ø48.152
  • Well this should be interesting. It seems to me that Fullmon is a stronger alliance, but with proper organization from Polska, everything is possible.
    Good luck to both sides, and I hope that war won't end by a "7 days without a CR" rule...
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • i think were dealing with a few cowards

    3 of our good targets went into Vmode LOL

    sitting in system waiting now for the chickens to come back out lol...

    come polska... surely you are not alllll gonna run


    Added message from Flash:

    Some art work from daaq that we think POLSKA should replace POLSKA's Current Ally pic

    Current pic:

    Proposed Pic:

  • konstantin wrote:

    good profit, this way is much better, well done! :thumbsup:

    War can be closed, they will not or can not fight with you ;(

    they best disband then lol.... i dunno why they make themselfs sound big saying they will be the first to fight... but then they run

    not only that... they are ok with IPMing ya then when ya declare they run to Vmode...

    were not going anywhere
  • i wonder

    can we add the res the players are losing due to being in vmode to the TD.... in my eyes their econemy is being damaged LOL

    like... lets say... a rough guess they lose out on 10million a day on a decent account may i add lol

    only differnce here is... they dont make us lose even duet trying to get it