Fight against unwanted account deletes (by hack of password theft)

    • Fight against unwanted account deletes (by hack of password theft)

      Dear all,

      I know that the politic of GF is to only accepts backup when the delete is made by an exploit, and not when the player "looses" is password in bad hands.

      Yesterday, we've seen, again, a very important delete of the TOP 1 account of the univers 68. This act will, definitely, changes the face of the universe, again...

      I've also seen that GF make attempts to make a hack harder (anti brute force protection for example), but I've today a suggestion that takes the problem differently : if we cannot avoid hacks (to be honest), if we cannot avoid deletes (for players that really want to delete), the solution can be : the delete is useless !

      A GF backup is a heavy procedure : a gametech of GF must introcede into the database, etc... restoring old data, etc...

      My approach is that during 48 hours, all the information about deleted planets and moons ARE ALWAYS in the database (you can spy, the spy report is complete). The only information broken is : those planets have a new owner ('space').

      My solution : build in the Super Game Admin Interface a tool like this :

      On the left, the Super Game Admin has a list of all planets currently in "delete" status (so, each position always visible in the galaxy).

      On the right, a list of all players in "securisation" status in the past 48 hours.

      So, in a complete delete of an account, the procedure can be :
      - The victim contacts the support, the account is put in securisation status
      - He provides the list of all deleted positions (easy to verify)
      - The Super Game Admin reattributes the player to the positions, BUT THE ACCOUNT REMAINS IN SECURISATION
      - on "reattribution", all current attacks to the positions go back.

      Like this, I only see advantages :
      1- the interest of hacking / deleting an account goes down to zero. Why making an useless act ? I hope that could be decrease the number of unwanted deletes drastically
      2- the procedure goes froms Game Techs to Local Staffs. OK, its a responsability for them... But its also very easier, they are in contact with the community, players, etc...
      3- very light risk of errors : only securised players appear in the list, so... logically only one in the same time...

      I know that GF thinks that those delete are the fault of the players themselves.

      BUT I THINK that, for the reputation of the game, motivation of the players, this kind of solution is not a bad thing.

    • I agree that account deletes should be more difficult to make , not sure about the admin powers to be invested. An account deletes effectively only after 7 days and the player has the delete sign in overview. I prefer a way to prevent accounts deletes instead of recovering them after the harm is done.

      if the account is in v-mode maybe would be interesting to add a new symbol in galaxy view or in alliance member list showing that the respective account is set to delete. In this way the alliance mates or friends can contact in RL the owner in due time- if is possible.
    • I'm not speaking about the 7-days effective delete of account, but the 48-h effective delete of planets !

      My approach is that during 48 hours, all the information about deleted
      planets and moons ARE ALWAYS in the database (you can spy, the spy
      report is complete). The only information broken is : those planets have
      a new owner ('space').
    • I don't remember if it was implemented, but the idea I read around here time before was, when you delete something, send an email to the owner (the idea was also, when email or password is changed)

      Taking a step ahead: in order to delete a planet or your account, one idea, you get an email with an activation code; so you have to click delete in ogame, and type the code emailed to you in order to delete a planet / account.

      That's instant if you are creating / deleting planets when colonizing, and prevents deleting of planets with hacked accounts.