Selectable game language

    • I actually totally disagree. Ingame language is "okayish" and reasonable (scripts like Antigame and Infocompte already have selectable languages, so it could be something like that) to be selected. Plus, almost all major languages already have their own translation, so wouldn't be that hard.

      But allowing other languages (even if english (I'm not talking about ORG and US obviously)) to be spoken ingame though PMs or others is not fine at all. Not all players need to understand other language than their one to communicate with all players in a server. GOs don't need to speak another language so to answer tickets or deal with reported ingame PMs that aren't in their language. You can play in any community you wish to play, but it's crutial you adapt yourself to your choice and you communicate in that community's language, not the other way around. It's you who is chosing to play on a community that doesn't speak same language you do, is you who has to make an effort. Not the other players and not the team.

      So my vote is NO to the change of rules as to allowed languages and MAYBE to the option to select ingame language (language displayed onscreen on menus and stuff).
    • We implemented this method in an preview version, but still some problems and open questions

      Event handling, cause events are currently shown in server language, also those banners and also ad on the right side. This problems are currently blocking the feature and final implementation is moved to > later

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • in .ro we currently have English allowed in game messages . Our current experience, especially with universe (4x speed ) where there are many non-Romanian players shows that this is possible.

      prerequisites : game staff has to know English - this is not a major problem since more or less, everybody knows English these days and if he doesn't , he needs to learn it fast.

      about messages in game : players can always use google translate - which works fine provided the original text is grammatically correct

      about the forum language barrier, i think the origin example is to be followed. - we also have an experiment in .ro boards for the Jupiter section forum , and is working so far. No player is complaining

      In conclusion, i'm all for it