Vacation mode will pause boosters/officers

    • Vacation mode will pause boosters/officers

      Hello gentlemens,

      i noticed only in few days ago, that even if you in vacation mode, the boosters and officers are still running without a purpose.
      I asking why this happens ? It´s fair for someone to give his money for officers, which will be running even in vacation mode ?
      Suspending the function of officers/boosters during a vaction mode should more than a correct access to players, if not a moral must.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • @ sirEdward Sorry but this kind of writing is more then inappropriate ...

      You buy premium (or get if for resources without paying or at tutorial...) and activate if for a special time. The 3 month option cost less then the 1 week option, so you have to think before you activate it.
      When i activate a resource booster, i always have to think. Not really hard to manage this.

      Also a reason for no change is the missing possibility to delete players with active premium content because of some major law regulations.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Omar Hawk: Pause officers during vacation mode <

      Joky: :) my writing is equal to GF behaviour towards the players, and im still too decent. Don´t worry, i will be not the first nor the last who will tell, that this GF way of managment is.. how did you says.. "more then inappropriate ..."
      This game is dying only for this GF ogame department way, because they are sleeping. This forum is to give them options how to improve the game. But they want money.
      Only for example see the upcomming big bang new version 5.0. OGame comes to mobile.. This was advised/recommended by players long ago in past as small solution for this game. Did they listen ? No ;)
      I see many similarity with previous Nokia management.

      Btw. im buying the 500K DM pack, but i see it´s like throwing the money from the window. Like the GF is throwing the potential of this game from the window.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Well, I think this discussion is a little bit out of the aim of this thread (suggest an idea).
      Sadly, this suggestion was already formulated for other user and it was rejected.
      Thx anyway for your thread and please try to avoid flaming and that crap.
