Ogame rank anonymizer

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    • Ogame rank anonymizer

      Hello gentlemens,
      This suggestion is for those, who doesn´t want to be shown in game ranking system (fleet, economics, honour points, etc), or simple doesn´t want to be enlisted there by any reasons.

      It would be a "nice to have option" or a basic defence against fleeters, which are choosing their targets from galaxy view by ranks of the player. The knowledge of rank position leads to battle motivation, but Ogame is no only a war game as many says. There are miners and neutral players which want to trade or to achieve the "technology/economic" advancement. Hide your rank position could prevent from instantaneous target selection, which can borrow better chances to survive another day to "neutral victory". But this option is good for all, nor miners and neutral pls but for fleeters too. If fleeter doesn´t posses the first required knowlede if the target is above/under himself, he/she must plan the battle more precisely as before (which is more work but better satisfaction at the end < and that´s what Ogame needs mostly).

      I´m against a way "you´ll pay - you get all". This "function" should be for all
      1) through simply option set via Ogame settings
      2) by paying a resources tax like in Merchant
      3) by new research option
      -4)- last possible option is a prepaid option through DM
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Cyber Smoke: Yes, but equally to All players should be given a free eventuality to choose if she/he want to be "enlisted" or not..
      "...if it turns out to be half-incomplete?" < please be more accurate. The terms, "why - if" is predictable and this idea needs more discussion to have final end.
      (P.s. sorry for this, but here is almost all half-incomplete)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Or change back the points in each categorie.

      Obvious for research points and score
      But for the economics and military points it is totally crappy imho. 50% of this and a little from that. Get it more even. Military points already has 4 subcategories. Get 1 more for only defense and military points for only fleet. 90% of the players ( maybe more ) still don't know how much from each shizzle is working for the rankings. Even the team members don't know this.