Alliance System

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Alliance System

      The alliance is the base of the social system of ogame universe. Is the cohesion factor . Many players are saying that only thing that kept them ingame was the alliance.
      What makes an alliance be a good alliance?
      in my opinion:
      - have a good alliance leader, a player able to lead them, to give example and ensure all alliance members have fun and are constantly playing and advancing in game
      - active members
      - good communication
      -doing stuff together
      - fighting against other alliances
      -members learning form each other and supporting each other

      alliances can be small : 2-3 members or can be real big with more than 20 members. All fun comes form circular messages spam every day, doing ACS toghether , helping each other, in short playing the game with a bunch of friends.

      What can be done to help alliances be more interesting, help an alliance be meaningful and its members to really have an advantage for being in the alliance.

      it is obvious we can't control the leadership abilities of the leader .

      A problem that i noticed is the important segmentation of players in noob alliances and elite alliances. Elite alliances are selecting only advanced players , only ones that are more likely to give more value to the alliance itself.

      i have some ideas :

      - alliance chat system ingame ( add some real time coordination )

      - allow members to vote for the leadership qualities of the founder ( give him <insert here name> ). The leader can benefit form these <insert here name> in the same way players are using honor points or buddy points.Votes are secret and the total score of the leader is posted in the alliance statistics . Other players can apply to the good alliance with the best leader just by seeing the leader's score.

      - For every active member with a score lower than 50% than the alliance average, all members have a production bonus ( or receiving 1 buddy point every dayof lower player activity). If the player is not entering to the game at least once every 24 hours, the buddy point coming form his presence is lost . That should encourage alliance to accept lower players and prevent them in the same time for making excess of it - accepting too many lower players will lower the average and disabling the bonus. on the same time will encourage players to active play and make sure the rest of the alliance is active.

      now, lower player can benefit for being in the same alliance with more experienced players, getting training and developing skills. More , maybe we cam make them take benefit from higher players by shortening the research time proportional with the average research labs in all alliance , this is not going to affect players situated in the upper half of the alliance ( above the average).

      all ACSs done with alliance members give + n honor points ( n= number of participants from the same alliance )

      If the leader has no talent and receives too many negative votes or becomes inactive the alliance dissolves automatically and the members are free to make a new alliance or look for another one, more active , more rewarding.

      war system
      , is too late to think at something now, maybe tomorrow