Ranking system titles for both genders!

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    • Ranking system titles for both genders!

      There should be a "ranking" system for both genders ingame. I play on the norwegian server, where you can score points after battles and raiding. But all the titles you earn depending on the amount of points, are all male- titles. :thumbdown:
      There should be a genderbutton ingame, where you can chose your sex. This way, when you earn the title "emperor" (being male) (ex.), all females would be "empress" (still ex.). Then both genders would be happy! :thumbsup:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sarahemmelin ().

    • I know you can choose your gender in other games, like for ex Bite Fight. Not sure how easy/difficult it is to give players the option to choose gender in Ogame, though. But since I'm also a female, and also from Norway, I will give this suggestion my vote ;)
      I know there might not be as many girls playing Ogame, as there's boys, but I do know a few ;)