iPhone RSS REader

    • iPhone RSS REader

      • Info :iPhone RSS Reader
      • Author: Paradox
      • Website : -
      • Support :-
      • Download : -
      • Screenshot : coming soon
      • Browser : -
      • Languages : english / german

        I'm developing a rss reader, which will be able to read and process rss data from ogame rss feeds.
        Due to the fact, that there already is an ogame rss reader for android, my rss reader will be based on IOS platforms like iPhone and iPad.
        I'm still working on it, though it is still in early stage of developement, nevertheless i can give you a brief overview about the current functions:

        • Reading and processing rss data
        • Internal database for data storage (if there are no new messages, data won't be loaded)
        • Filter for different types of messages (spy reports, collecting debris fields, player messages, a.s.o)
        • Highlighting of important messages (spy reports, attacks, operator messages)
        • acoustic signal if there are new messages and if there are new spy reports
        • variable intervals for receiving rss data
        • Logindata can be saved in your internal database for accessing the ogame feed.


        As you might know, it might not be possible to create push notes.
        Push notes are created by special servers, as far as i know, ogame does not support that function.
        It might be possible to develop a kind of workaround for that, but that will take some time.

        First of all i would need the permission, do use the name "ogame" and common ogame images (probes, other ships a.s.o).
        My app will be published on app store, you won't have to pay for it.
        I would be glad, if i was able to use the name and images :)
    • As you might know, it might not be possible to create push notes.
      Push notes are created by special servers, as far as i know, ogame does not support that function.

      method push , is forbidden ^^

      First of all i would need the permission, do use the name "ogame" and common ogame images (probes, other ships a.s.o).
      My app will be published on app store, you won't have to pay for it.
      I would be glad, if i was able to use the name and images

      yes you can, but you need to let a hit , like " Ogame is a registered trademark of Gameforge Productions GmbH. All rights reserved. "
    • Okay it's time for an update:

      Thats the current version, shown in my iphone simultaor. The icons and parts of the layout may change in future.
      It's still on german by now, english will be added next week.
      New features:

      • delete messages, so that they won't be shown again
      • you can choose, wether you only want to display the messages from today, last two days, last x days.
      • internal browser, you won't have to load the message again, browser gets its data from an internal database
    • when you receive an new message, method push, will alert you, so equal ogame alarm ??

      you must click a refresh button, ( like overview ingame ) , to know if you have a new message

      Configureable update interval

      is forbidden ... , it's not you who click button

      LED and Vibra Notification for interesting events

      same maybe ^^, if notifications are automatically
    • Actually you can use a lot of rss readers for ogame, which already use auto refresh intervals or sound notices..
      So where's the difference ?

      Allthough theres currently no final decision, the iphone app will be able to do the same thing.
    • Paradox wrote:

      Actually you can use a lot of rss readers for ogame, which already use auto refresh intervals or sound notices..
      So where's the difference ?

      Allthough theres currently no final decision, the iphone app will be able to do the same thing.

      Lots of internet browsers have auto refresh functions, and yet they're still banned by the T&Cs. Though that section only references actually playing the game, not just accessing your rss feed...

      My point is that just because a feature exists does not mean it is allowed, that it should be allowed for use with OGame.
      Mod @ OGame.org - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions