Merchant scroll menu

    • Merchant scroll menu


      as we know, anybody can find a merchant through the exploration mission. But once you´ll find another one, the previous one will be lost.
      This is not new idea, as it is simple enough and visible for everyone.
      1. Every found Merchant should be available till you´ll use it.
      2. Tab representing the trade in first screen of Merchant menu could be a scrollbar, so you can choose the one, which you want to use.

      Why ? This option should be there not only for found Merchant over exploration, but likewise for those who paid it with DM.
      I heard many people have mistaken in Merchant menu, by misinterpretation of the text, or the interface itself.
      Still, this "proposal" should be a certainty.

      P.s. i know, there will update to Merchant menu. But this "proposal" could its part.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-