Guides Area / OMT improvements

    • Guides Area / OMT improvements

      Guides Area has been modified a little bit today.
      Some subsections have been merged in order to make it quite simple and understandable. Our working there is now focused on the rearrangement of all the templates related to Tutorials/Guides/Tactis.

      OMT has been also reordered based on these changes to be consistent and easy to use. We'll start also a checking phase quite soon there to be sure that everything is ok and also some "internal" works (thanks to Francolino, of course) to improve this tool as much as possible.

      Your OGame.Origin Team
    • Finally, changes/improvements on Guides Area and OMT has finished.

      Guides Area is now divided in 3 subsections:

      -News/Info/FAQ/HowTo section, dedicated to compile important Info, News and HowTo's around the Game.
      -Tutorial/Guides/Tactics, where you can find basic & advanced info and details about OGame. Each thread contains a first post with a general description of the content (we're still working on them to improve and simplify as much as possible), a second one with the english template (ready to be translated) and also the discussion related (everyone is welcome to post, to give feedback, improve, update, etc).
      -Wiki section is an special section for Ogame Wiki. There you can find detailed info about units and parts of OGame.

      On OMT, now all english templates links and states are fixed and updated. More changes and improvements coming soon. We'll keep you posted about.

      Your OGame.Origin Team