relocation description ingame

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    • relocation description ingame

      I was approached by player regarding this issue.

      current description ingame is:

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in another preferred system far away. The actual relocation takes place 24 hours after activation. During this time you can use your planets as per normal. A countdown shows you the time remaining before the relocation. Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets that are stationed here will be able to be active. Nothing will be able to be built or researched either. Should a construction contract or a fleet still be active once the countdown finishes, the relocation will be cancelled. If the move is successful, 240.000 Dark Matter will be deducted from your account. The moon, buildings and all stored resources will move with you. Your fleets will follow automatically. The jump gate of a relocated moon will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      i suggest this text to be altered in to:
      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in another preferred system far away. The actual relocation takes place 24 hours after activation. During this time you can use your planets as per normal. A countdown shows you the time remaining before the relocation. Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets that are stationed here will be able to be active. Nothing will be able to be built or researched either. Should a construction contract or a fleet still be active once the countdown finishes, the relocation will be cancelled. If the move is successful, 240.000 Dark Matter will be deducted from your account. The moon, buildings and all stored resources will move with planet/moon imidetly. Your fleets will fly automatically to new coordinates on speed of slowest ship. The jump gate of a relocated moon will be deactivated for 24 hours.