Top10 Noob down - [goDs]Elementix -vs- [UCV]fleetcrasher (TD~17.083.000 Units)

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    • Top10 Noob down - [goDs]Elementix -vs- [UCV]fleetcrasher (TD~17.083.000 Units)

      I saw the fleet weeks ago, but it was to big to kill it for my own. After i got military highscore #1 I wanted to kill a bigger fleet. fleetcrasher had a 45min time. I scanned. I flew. I crashed the crasher.

      on (xx.xx.xxxx xx:xx:xx) the following fleets met in battle:

      Elementix -vs- fleetcrasher
      Biggest Noob Owned

      Attacker: Elementix

      L.Fighter............ 1.000

      Attacker: Elementix

      Cruiser............ 107
      Battleship............ 70
      Battlecr............. 102

      -= V S =-

      Defender: fleetcrasher

      S.Cargo............ 66
      H.Cargo............ 32
      L.Fighter............ 117
      Cruiser............ 65
      Battleship............ 71
      Recy............ 150
      Esp.Probe............ 35
      Sol sat............ 42
      Battlecr............. 33
      R.Luncher............ 83
      L.Laser............ 72
      Gauss............ 15

      - after battle -

      Attacker: Elementix
      L.Fighter............ 361 . . . . . .(lost: 639)

      Attacker: Elementix
      Cruiser............ 83 . . . . . .(lost: 24)
      Battleship............ 69 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
      Battlecr............. 102 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

      Defender: fleetcrasher
      S.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 66)
      H.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 32)
      L.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 117)
      Cruiser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 65)
      Battleship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 71)
      Recy............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 150)
      Esp.Probe............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 35)
      Sol sat............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 42)
      Battlecr............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 33)
      R.Luncher............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 83)
      L.Laser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 72)
      Gauss............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 15)

      Defender fleetcrasher destroyed.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 88.149 metal 33.379 crystal, and 142.920 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 3.312.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 13.771.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 3.030.600 metal and 1.536.600 crystal.

      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %

      It should be biggest solo CR since reset.
      10mins after battle fleetcrasher came online. Used lots of merchants and boosters and stole the whole TF.
      With <100k ressources lying he could steal 4,5mio debris -.-
      Cooldowntime for Boosters pls. They are so unfair actually.
      Before I forget it. It wasn`t the mistake of fleetcrasher, it was a bug, he said. It`s always the same^^
      He spended ~150k DM to steal the debris. He will see that it wasn`t a good idea...

      Cause Francolino allows me:
      Die scheiß verhurrte Booster.
      *Removed swear word* ! WHAT A SHIT! COOLDOWNTIME 4 BOOSTERS!
    • well when i wake up at 6 am and see 2 hrs left on FS and wake up at 8 seeing fleet crashed then check message and see fleet arrived a 7 am there is a bug. fleet with 2 hrs flight left should come back 1 hr early ;). you didnt deserve the DF so yes i spent DM i had left to get it

      game helped you crash me so dont complain that you dont get the DF cause of game

      and yes this has happened 1 other time to me at another server but i was able to catch it and even saw the timers change. hell i had a 15 hr deploy arrive after 1hr of flight and thats not possible at all when reported they said logs are correct but they refuse to check. its rare this happens but it does
    • Hmm, not quite sure which "Biggest Noob got ownd" here...
      The one, that lost his fleet to a bug - or a miscalculated fs - what ever...
      Or the one that can't secure a DF, so the Defender get's it all, no matter using dm on robots or not...
      Beside, a delay on robots should not be more than 5 minutes anyway.
      In addition to lose the whole DF, so this actually gives a big fat minus in the profit, you also make it public by posting this, whining about not getting the DF and gives the game the blame for your skills to secure a DF....

    • (a GA who is trying to flame, nice xD)

      Everybody who means recyclers should be timed at a spontaneous attack, never played fleeter for his own^^ I know that is also my blame here in this attack, but i wanted to show that the booster aren`t balanced yet, when somebody with 100k ress lying can steal a 4,3mio DF. I just fly 20systems and my recycler started round about 2minutes before me fleet.
      No win, who cares? It`s a temporary testserver. I dowed the right player I think. Cause i don`t like this kind of hardcore DM using.

      The second reason, to post this CR you can see in the HoF now. It lives^^
    • First of all... I'm NOT GA HERE! And that's important. I am a normal player, testing the public testserver, just as you are.
      In .no where I AM GA, in 4 out of 5 unis, I "have to" behave, when I comments in those 4 sections where I am GA, but If I can't play and interact with other players in a uni where I play as a normal player, where's the fun in that, then? And you guys do want the team members to know a little about the game, don't you?

      Next, So it's okay for you to flame others?
      1) Biggest Noob Owne
      2) Before I forget it. It wasn`t the mistake of fleetcrasher, it was a bug, he said. It`s always the same

      Anyway, I think you might have misunderstand my post a little. I was kinda trying to be funny, when I said you couldn't time recs. You say that fleetcrasher is the biggest noob, because he lost his fleet (to a bug, that has been reported) - Then you have to be a noob, that can't time recs - Get it?. ( FYI, I have always been a fleeter )

      Of course the boosters are not balance yet,,, That's why we are testing it. But go public and "flaming" somebody because the game isn't balance yet, is a bit over the edge, I think. And we have the "bugs and complains" section" + the report button ingame for this.

      Well, using DM is a part of this game, whether you like it or not, and as I said before, the delay of using robots, should NOT be more that 5 mins anyway.
      About timing recs in spontaneous attacks - Since you knew he had a cooldown of 45 min, and sent an attack, you have had your eyes on him for a while, knowing a bit about his online rutines,,,, and then... you should have been able to time you recs a bit better, taking a chance sending them out earlier. But I guess, that this early in the game, you might not have the recs to cover two-three waves with recs, and because it's so early in the game, fleetcrasher also managed to produce enough recs to take DF. So -
      Everybody who means recyclers should be timed at a spontaneous attack, never played fleeter for his own
      Or... could it be someone that's a better fleeter, than you? ;)
      Beside I didn't say /mean should - I said COULD be timed
      I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's because it's too early in the game for you to have enough recs to cover more that 1 wave with recs... :D

      I also think, that since you are flaming/ bad mouthing others, then you should be able to handle the same treatment yourself.

      Elementix wrote:

      The second reason, to post this CR you can see in the HoF now. It lives
      The ONLY good resaon :D

      And to sum up what I mean, You should have posted this as the new #1, "congratulated" yourself, taking down a fleet, and congratulated fletcrasher with stealing DF. It sucks, of course, but he - or anybody else can take that DF - it's all about who comes first, and with spontaneous attack, that's ALWAYS the risk.
      Since you obviously knew, that it was a bug, since fleetcrasher had told you that, you still feel you have the rights to say he's a liar and a "cheater" using DM to take back , what actually IS his resources..

    • You`re marked as GA .no in this board. You should be a good example for the users :P

      It seems you don`t know what a "spontaneous attack" means. But I will tell u:
      You scann through the galaxies and suddely you see a fleet (big eyes). "Commander a gigantic fleet which is always save at this time, stands near to us." "What does the star activities say?" "Nothing..."
      It`s a attack you didn`t planned. A defender who everytime save his fleet or is on, suddenly stands. You also can say "Luckatt" to it if you want. Do you know what i`m talking about, now or do you mean i should send recycler to random planets where a fleet not normaly arrives in the next 6hours?
      And of course, there is the risk off DF stealing. But normaly you scann +-5systems and kill rec if you discover some.

      But you`re right. There are better fleeters than me. I would never say something other. I just don`t like that some players can buy skill...öhm sry boosters. Sry that I don`t use directlinks to save, teamviewer to share and a lot of other methodes to play easily a top account. But you`re alright there are better fleeters than me. But I also know there are many worse fleeter and many who play just "unfair".

      Don`t take my posts too seriously. I also don`t do it :D I was so long in the German team that I know want to enjoy that I am a user again. So please let me flame a little bit.

      But back to the topic. I think the cooldown should be 10m, 30m and 2h (minimal it should be the half). With items it`s possible to get active with DM features more than ever. But if you choose the cooldown to short, it will unbalance the game to much...
    • Elementix wrote:

      It seems you don`t know what a "spontaneous attack" means. But I will tell u:
      You scann through the galaxies and suddely you see a fleet (big eyes). "Commander a gigantic fleet which is always save at this time, stands near to us." "What does the star activities say?" "Nothing..."
      It`s a attack you didn`t planned. A defender who everytime save his fleet or is on, suddenly stands. You also can say "Luckatt" to it if you want. Do you know what i`m talking about, now or do you mean i should send recycler to random planets where a fleet not normaly arrives in the next 6hours?
      there is a reason that there is no fleet there normally at that time ;) cause its not suppose to be there at the time that you saw it which then again proves point that fleet arrived back off time. just want to say thanks for giving me more backing on the complaint i have

      now in game i did say congrats but its just like any other uni. if someone can take the DF they are going to take the DF.

      in another uni i play. i attacked a target but 5 mins before i got there someone hit it. however cause i had my recs timed i got the 500kk DF from the hit. so its going to happen that people take the DF its always a chance you take on attacks. its just bad luck not to get it.

      yes i did use merchant and 2 boosters but boosters were on different planets. i sent 2 sets of recs from 2 different planets. now the planet you hit only takes 3 mins to get to the DF so i had plenty of time to harvest the DF. not like i took it all in 1 go i had like 40 recs so yeah its going to take a while

      its just a game. you just continue playing. not the end of the world. besides this is a test server used to test out new features and issues. yes maybe a cool down on boosters may be needed but it wasnt going to affect the outcome here. i was going to get all the DF with or without the cool down on boosters. there is no need to make a big deal over the DF this uni gets reset and start over. DM is also turned off as i have heard so you tell me that DM will affect the game later.
    • Time+scanning+flighing were longer than 1h... if your fleet arrived just 1h before you weren`t online at this point. And NO you never congratulated. You just say that I don`t deserve this KB, the fleet or the DF.

      And please think that we are or i am such stupid. 80rec in less than 1h 30min. With just 2 booster :D never ever sry.

      But we will play this out ingame...
    • From:

      Fleet Command


      Return of a fleet

      22.03.2012 11:53:24

      Your fleet
      (Small Cargo: 66, Large Cargo: 32, Light Fighter: 117, Cruiser: 65,
      Battleship: 71, Recycler: 150, Espionage Probe: 35, Battlecruiser: 33) is returning

      22.03.2012 12:16:00

      A foreign fleet from planet Base G1a [1:247:9] (Elementix) was sighted near your planet Colony [1:229:9]. Chance of counter-espionage: 69 %

      Fleet Command

      Combat Report [1:229:9] (D: 13.771.000, A: 3.312.000)

      22.03.2012 13:03:14

      correct me if im wrong. but that seems less than 1 hr to me. attack happened 1 hr 10 mins after my fleet landed. i was online 53 mins before fleet landed according to that message and stayed online for a little bit before going back to sleep. like i said fleet said 2 more hrs thats why i went back to sleep and i set my alarm.

      is there anything else you would like to say to make yourself look worse in this matter?

      also who says i didnt have more recs already built just return when fleet should return on a decoy FS? ;) so yes its possible that i could have that many recs. i think someone needs to go back to fleeting school and learn some more about FSs and players playing habits before calling others noobs and cheats ;)

      now go back to playing you game little boy :)
    • fleetcrasher wrote:

      22.03.2012 11:53:24

      22.03.2012 13:03:14
      isn`t that more than 1hour for u? löl
      And I have looked at your points after battle. You boostet much more than two boosters ;). My topic was so right^^ Where I called you a cheater? löl I used this title in context with the directlink to save in less than 2seks.

      But you`re right, we will see us ingame.
    • Elementix wrote:

      fleetcrasher wrote:

      22.03.2012 11:53:24

      22.03.2012 13:03:14
      isn`t that more than 1hour for u? löl
      And I have looked at your points after battle. You boostet much more than two boosters ;). My topic was so right^^ Where I called you a cheater? löl I used this title in context with the directlink to save in less than 2seks.

      But you`re right, we will see us ingame.
      someone didnt read what i had said. the attack happened 1 hr 10 mins after my fleet landed. you said the time plus scanning plus attack was was longer than 1 hr. yet seems to me like it was less. unless im not understanding what you are meaning.

      now explain this to me

      "I saw the fleet weeks ago, but it was to big to kill it for my own.
      After i got military highscore #1 I wanted to kill a bigger fleet.
      fleetcrasher had a 45min time. I scanned. I flew. I crashed the crasher."

      how could i have a 45 min timer if you spied 23mins after my fleet landed? or am i misunderstanding this too?