Proposal of improvementabout coordinates planet mother

    • Proposal of improvementabout coordinates planet mother

      Hello to everyone who reads this message.

      I designed specifically this message for team members Ogame but also to have opinions of other players to see if my idea is interesting.

      When a player arrive in a universe, his planet mother is often located in Galaxies 1,2,3 or 4, for the most part. I also noticed that the galaxies 8 and 9 are almost entirely empty in most Universe.

      My suggestion would be to base the mother planet in Galaxies 3,4,5,6 and 7 in priority to have a universe that seems to INFINITY. I say currently because INFINITE, a player with his home planet based on 1: xxx: xx will have more difficulty to access galaxies 7.8 and 9 than a player with his home planet based on 6: xxx: xx by exemple.

      With my idea, all the galaxies would be more accessible. Having its home planet-based 1: xxx: xx, it seems the Universe has a beginning ... and an end. This would mean that arrived in 1:1: xx, the end of the universe would be reached while the other side of the 7.8 and 9 galaxies remain almost unexplored.

      I think my idea will not have a great influence in the game, although it may improve equal opportunities and to publish the infinite universe.

      Matteo3000, old and new player :lol:
    • I think it is better to just connect the current beginning and end of an galaxy (rounded) 1:1 with 1:499 etc. →link
      together with the connecttion of g1 with g9 (explained below)
      My suggestion would be to base the mother planet in Galaxies 3,4,5,6 and
      7 in priority to have a universe that seems to INFINITY. I say
      currently because INFINITE, a player with his home planet based on 1:
      xxx: xx will have more difficulty to access galaxies 7.8 and 9 than a
      player with his home planet based on 6: xxx: xx by exemple.

      With my idea, all the galaxies would be more accessible. Having its home
      planet-based 1: xxx: xx, it seems the Universe has a beginning ... and
      an end. This would mean that arrived in 1:1: xx, the end of the universe
      would be reached while the other side of the 7.8 and 9 galaxies remain
      almost unexplored.
      There is always a beginning (start counting the galaxies) and an end (finish counting them).
      In my oppinion there is a "balanced spreading" of all galaxies in an univers (like it is for planets in a sunsystem). To simplify the construction of the univers I suggest to take it as a circle (again - keep in mind that there is always the rotation for the stabilisation and its geometrical form caused by it: electrons around atoms | planets around suns | sunsystems rotating in a galaxy | galaxies rotating in an univers).
      Therefore i suggest to see the galaxies in distances independend from the count-number (counting something in a circle is just a matter of where to start counting). Similiar to connect sys 1:1 to 1:499 the galaxy1 should be connected to galaxy9 (from g1 to g8 should have the same flying duration/consumption like from g1 to g3).
      The INFINITY of the univers is represented by the outer space from each sunsystem (pos 16). If you take the circled structure as I explained the outer space will be the "unexplored space" between sunsystems/galaxies and the space in the direction "inside" the univers and "outside" the univers (expansion of the univers as in real).

      I think it is more logical to use this structure of the univers.
      So the distances/access in all directions will be the "same" from every position. Unexplored galaxies are just because of economic reasons (flying duration/consumption) but your way dont solve that "issue" too and i think that this cant be avoided and is wanted to be so.

      By using my suggestion an important thing would not change: the Planet order caused by the time of registration (starting by 1:1:x for the 1st user). By Comparing the statistics with the position you can find out good informations about the player (how active/succesfull/skilled etc) in the most cases. I wont miss that kind of information.