Update 4.0 Beta 20 & 21

    • Update 4.0 Beta 20 & 21

      Dear Community,

      probably during the afternoon we will update all test server with version 4.0 beta 20 & 21, including the following changelog:

      [Feature] pop up with hint for DM on "Purchase" button if missing Dark Matter
      [Feature] tool tip on greyed out "activation" button in shop
      [Feature] 1-Click "Purchase & Activate" function for items
      [Feature] deactivation of auctioneer before an exodus
      [Bugfix] broken ranking after moon destruction
      [Bugfix] Import / Export: bought but not taken items missing after merge
      [Bugfix] Import/Export: problem on bids with crystal
      [Bugfix] max button in resource market limited on 99.999.999
      [Bugfix] scrap merchant: no action after adding numbers with mouse
      [Bugfix] possible application on more than one alliance
      [Bugfix] missing "outbidden" hint on auctioneer
      [Bugfix] not possible to activate BP items if bronze item already activated
      [Bugfix] changed link to forum on test server
      [Bugfix] Accounts with active buff were deleted
      [Bugfix] Galaxy: fleet icon for debris field after reload not correct
      [Bugfix] Shop: missing reload of DM after purchasing an item
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: no refresh for tool tip of items

      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P