Userscript in Opera Mobile

    • Userscript in Opera Mobile

      • How to configure Opera Mobile to use userscript to work in your Phone or Tablet (Opera Mobile)

      • Please use this thread for questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.


      Come see how we can use userscripts in Opera Mobile.

      To demonstrate how I will use my ASUS eeePad Transformer TF101 (Android ICS 4.0.3) with Opera Mobile and the Antigame Origin script
      ATENTION: Opera Mini don't work, only Opera Mobile

      - Install Opera Mobile, go here:
      - Copy the antigame file named "116819.user.js" to your phone internal memory or to the SDCard, for demonstrative purposes, I put on my SDCARD in a folder called "Documents", the script can be found here:
      - Open Opera Mobile
      - Write in the address bar of Opera Mobile "opera: config" (without the quotes)

      - Opening the settings page of Opera Mobile

      - Find "User Prefs" (It's almost the end) and open it by pressing the arrow that is in front of the text "User Prefs"

      - Search for "User JavaScript" in "User Prefs" and select.

      - After putting in the "User JavaScript File" the path where is the file antigame, in my case was on SDCARD in the Documents folder, so I put "/sdcard/Documents/116819.user.js"

      - Ready, now you can play OGame in your cell phone or tablet with Antigame.

      Good game to all, and sorry for my bad English ;)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Poeta ().

    • I installed please all and works very well, the problem is that opera mobile is useless because if I open an application on the galaxy and come back in I disconnect from your browser and find myself on the home page.

      help me to solve the problem