New Temporary Test Server 'Bermuda'

    • New Temporary Test Server 'Bermuda'

      Dear player,

      Tomorrow during the day we will open a second, temporary, test server for our public test of version 4.0.

      - just a normal server
      - - 1x speed, no extra res, no extra DM
      - duration: ~ 2 weeks
      - payment is activated

      This server should help us to check out the gameplay behaviour of a really new server with normal game settings and without any help. Instead of it will offer some nice rewards. :)

      - all *bought* dark matter will be given back in coupons (even if you used all of it)
      - - this way you can use the dark matter on the test server and use it again later on on your real server (or since it's a coupon in all other GF games)
      - Rank 1 will receive a 25€ Coupon & 1 lvl of terraformer
      - Rank 2-5 will receive a 10€ Coupon & 1 lvl of terraformer
      - Rank 6-15 will receive a 3€ Coupon & 1 lvl of terraformer
      - Rank 16-25 will receive a 3€ Coupon

      1 lvl of terraformer = We will add one extra level of a terraformer on players real account (they can choose country / server / player / planet). For example if they have lvl 2 terraformer on their planet we will change it into lvl 3, if they have lvl 8 we would change it into a lvl 9.

      It is possible that we have in the future two test server - one without reset and low speed and one with resets and higher speed. But first this is only a test to check it out.


      Your OGame Origin Team
    • Dear player,

      During the afternoon we wil deactivate the possibility to buy DM on Bermuda. Existing DM could be still used the all given payment stuff / everything can be used as usual.

      Regards, your OGame Origin team.