i wanna start from this:
I think is necessary a better handle of the merchant page when u already have one (found in expeditions or bought but not used yet).
Because I have a lot of complaints from user who don't see the “trade” button and who think they have to click on the yellow squared ress!
Is true, is wrote “cost 3.500 DM”, but in this way seems that GF don't want to lost the DM given from “bad reading” (I can't believe u never had complaints like this, only italians have this kind of problems?? :P)...
I thought at 2 possibilities:
I also like this idea:
WeTeHa wrote:
This could be very helpful yes.Kelder wrote:
I would just move the Trade button that's hidden in the top pane (in the image) to the bottom pane right before the 3 resource type buttons. A button like "Use available merchant", then some vertical separator bar and then on the right the 3 buttons to call a new merchant for M / C / D.
This way people might actually use their existing merchant instead of continuously calling a new one.
A general warning button won´t be added, just could annoy users and we already have the hint "Kosten: 3.500 Dunkle Materie".
I think is necessary a better handle of the merchant page when u already have one (found in expeditions or bought but not used yet).
Because I have a lot of complaints from user who don't see the “trade” button and who think they have to click on the yellow squared ress!
Is true, is wrote “cost 3.500 DM”, but in this way seems that GF don't want to lost the DM given from “bad reading” (I can't believe u never had complaints like this, only italians have this kind of problems?? :P)...
I thought at 2 possibilities:
- Move the button in top centre and write better “U already have a merchant, if u want to trade click here”
- Put a pop up after clicking on a ress if u already have a merchant “A merchant is still walking around your empire, by clicking here u are calling another one (cost 3.00 DM) are u sure?”
We have confirmation box for colonization, stronger player, fleet escape... but not for real money?
I also like this idea:
DarkFire67 wrote:
I still dont understand why, when you have a merchant and click on it in the left menu, you are not in the "final screen"
I'm not sure, but i think it was like that in 0.84... And I did not remember anyone complaining about this problem (buy a new merchant when they wanted to use the one they had)
This view should be the view when you dont have any merchant :
And this one whn you click on the left menu when you already have a merchant :
This is a stupidity :
("échanger" doenst mean "use the available merchant"....)