V4.0.0 Discussion Thread

    • Kebab wrote:

      Yes there are benefits for those who use DM, but these benefits are also available for resources and Honour points, so being an active fleeter will allow you to get these boosters and such too ;)
      on a side with DM, boosters and other things.. i can play against that..
      can some1 please tell me what idiot got an idea that ''colonization fs'' don't make any trace if you reached your max number of planets(it's already in 3.1 version) ?
      who can call himself a fleeter now ? fleet is catchable only if target is off without fs.. there's no more math, no mindgames, learning habits of a target for a lot of time, screwing up decoys(if they are sent) and all that crap that maked fleeting interesting, making this game interesting and that some1 who have fleet can actualy call himself a ''fleeter'' ....

      i don't give a *snip* for all that new crap that are put in game now(don't like it but don't care)...
      just give us back one little thing - COLONIZATION FS LEAVE TRACE LIKE IN OLDER VERSIONS

      my 2cents..

      Language snipped - Kebab
    • so it's good i retired before redesign came on(it's new for me cause did not play 2 years before this test server)..

      sorry for lang, but im realy pissed .... and whoever idea it was that thing with colonization fs making no trace it's the most stupid thing ever invented for this game.. :puke:
    • I would like to know what the hell is going on with the exbo,s here it cant b the same as on other servers so can sombody in the know plz tell me if their is a new fleet that has to b sent or is their a point to sending them at all ....

    • This sounds like a step in the wrong direction:

      2. Buttons to finish the current construction order in 2 steps will be added
      - with each click you speed up the order by 50% of original value
      - this method is valid only for current order, not for whole queue you might start.
      - Example 1: you start the order, click to speed up construction by 50%, click it again -> order is done
      - Example 2: order is on 51% (49% finished). You click the button...50% of original amount removed...order is on 1%
      - Example 3: order is on 25%. You click to reduce time by 50%, order will be done, amount of DM to be payed will cost 50% of acceleration.

      3. Costs of items have changed, while accelerators will be buyable with ingame resources and honor points, button to reduce order by 50% will be premium
      - buildings/shipyard: min. 750 DM - max. 72k DM per click (depending on original construction time)
      - researches : min. 750DM - max. 108k DM per click (depending on original research time)

      Players already pointed out that accelerators without a timeout are bad for the balance. This is much worse. While accelerators could reduce the time for maximum of 6 hours (if proper timeouts were re-introduced), these buttons will remove the limit completely.
      Gravitons, astrophysics, jumpgate, are now just 2 clicks away...
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Gravitons, astrophysics, jumpgate, are now just 2 clicks away...

      First of all, I would never spend even one single click on graviton :D
      Second, now this is more or less just for those who spend a lot of money on DM. You can't buy these clicks for ress.
      I have made a suggestion for redusing the time of research, that would be for everybody, and that's to make a new research that does the same for reseach as nanite does for buildings and shipyard

      Nanite for research

      I know it's dificult to find a balance of the robots, that reduse the time for astro lvl 17 ( for example) - because 6 hours doesn't do anything, at that lvl - but combind with the nanite for research, I think that might be a good combo.

    • First of all - hi, I`m new to this board (but been playing ogame for about 6-7 years).

      Generally for me v4.0 had very good additions and features, and until gf introduced the magical button "-1/2 time" that update would be much better than 3.0. But gf had to ruin this by adding very unfair and unbalanced feature know as "Havle the time/Complete it now" :|

      1. Resource Boosters - in my opinion with their price they are just too expensive, geologist is much more reasonable (cash/duration/+bonus), but nice thing is that you can get them from "free sources" :D bonus 10%/20%/30% won`t make you a top player just by buying on old universes, the only thing "bad" is the diffrence between free-player and cash-player on the start of uni (+0% vs +40% is a big, big diffrence...) - for me it`s a tie

      2. Time Boosters - they were too expensive and thanks to that you can`t buy them, only gettable from auction/import - and thats a +, much more balanced then halve time...

      3. "Import / Export" - very good thing, all players have a possibility to buy boosters for not that big cost - big +

      4. "Scrap Merchant" - another very good feature, ater sending expedition constantly for about a year i`ve manage to get and additional useless fleet for me (I`m a 100% miner+reasercher so my only useful fleet are cargos :D) that I can scrap for like 100 mln resources + dex with 35% (and by using DM I can double that) - very big +

      5. "Auctioneer" - good and nice thing for using HP - the only minus of auctions are players who add very large sums (like 25 mln for +10% Metal booster haha) - good +

      6. And the last added feature - "Havle the time/Complete it now" - I will write it down.

      For me this time slasher would be a very nice thing if it would be won on some events/missions/quizes/etc. It would gave players a boost to participate in events... Ok I could even tolerate it for all players but not in this form... Thanks to this robots (above 10 lvl), nanits (1), shipyard (12), labs (12) and Intergalactic Research Network are going to be a waste of resources if you have cash. With this I can have 1 Research Lab on lvl 12 and I will have all my reaserches faster than players with 5x12 lvl RL with 4 lvl IRL. And I won`t have to waste resources and space on them! For example on my account I built 6x12 Labs and 5 lvl of IRL in total for 11535k metal / 20590k cris / 9055k dex (~40kk res, and this is in not a big sum - one PL players invested MORE than 3kkk [yes > 3 000 000 000] resources on 11x19 Labs + 10 lvl of IRL). And gf says "pay 216k DM and have any reasearch in less than 10 sec"? This is just unfair and stupid. If this time slasher had some kind of equation or dependence with sumaric lvl of labs in IRL with its DM cost, wow, I would even support this addition. You can pay DM for each reasearch on maximum value or build labs for less DM cost. But not something like 1 lab lvl = -100 DM cost, someting more balanced. But withnout that I have Armor 16 for 216k DM, 17 lvl would be another 216k, etc on my 72 lvl sumaric lab. And 2 lvl lab will have the same DM cost! The same goes for buildings and shipyards. Where`s the LOGIC GF? :dash:

      And because of that logicless idea - ONE BIG MINUS and thanks to that v4.0 is unbalancing the whole game... :thumbdown: