Station of Alliance Monitoring

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Station of Alliance Monitoring

      [Pre-description]: Transform the Alliance Depot into Station of Alliance Monitoring

      [Description]: Nobody builds the Alliance Depot and the building ends up being useless in the game. In order to get more buildings and create new strategic possibilities for the game, I suggest add to the existing functions, one new option: call for help and the monitoring of attacks on our allies.

      Requests for help: When a planet / moon is under attack the players of the same alliance are warned of the eminence of an attack on their ally. To receive the alert the planet / moon ally must have at least one level of the Station of Alliance Monitoring and to be within reach of the Station of the planet that is being attacked and issue the warning signal. The warning received in this case would be simple, only says the Player X is attacking your ally Y, without any further information.

      Monitoring attacks on allies Level 1: If the two Stations are in same scope and both are at least level 3, the communication is more detailed and the alert comes saying that the Player X is attacking its ally Y, more the information of the attacker fleet (note that if the attacker put more fleet in the attack after launched you will not receive this information).

      Monitoring attacks on allied Level 2: If the two Stations are in same scope and both are at least level 5, the communication is more detailed and the alert comes saying that the Player X is attackin your ally Y, more the information of the attacker fleet and the hour that the combat will occur (note that if the attacker put more fleet in the attack or delay the fleet after launched you will not receive this information).

      Monitoring attacks on allied Level 3: If the two Stations are in same scope and both are at least level 7, it is possible one better communication. You can monitor the attack like in sensor phalanx. Consumes 10k deuterium per refresh.

      Scope of Station: The range is calculated on the same way that the sensor phalanx (n ² -1 for each side), where n represents the level of the building.

      Who receives the alert: In addition to the conditions described above, can only receive the alert the players of same alliance that the player who sends the alert and with the receive alerts of attacks on allies turned on.

      • The Station replaces the Alliance Depot and shall be constructed on the moon too;
      • The Station on planet and moon act independently, the planet doesn't send alerts of attacks in moon and the moon doesn't send reports of attack in planet.
      • Considering the cost of lunar bases and one bigger extra time to build, the station of the moon will be more expensive and this reflects the fact that the moon is more difficult to be monitored by the attacker, ie, the station will be more efficient in moons therefore more expensive.
      • The Station only sends alerts of attacks and ACS missions (note that destruction of the moon is not warned)

      Initial Cost: The first level of the structure would cost 75,000 metal 150,000 crystal 75,000 deuterium and construction would need to release the intergalactic research network at level 1

      [Requirements]: Time, patience, planning and investment.

      [Pros]: It will finally give utility to Alliance Depot and one better use of the game, will improve the interaction between alliances, bring more excitement to make an attack and bring back the ninjas in the game, but without taking the possibility of the attacker to escape from them.

      [Cons]: It may become harder to get active members of alliances and planets all near each other, but I don't think it will hamper both with espionage target will be able to know who will receive the attack and inclusive opens possibilities for other military maneuvers.

      Idea originally thinking for Hellspark (Game Operator in OGame Brazil), discussed in the community and brought here.

      Board Admin & Representative OGame Brazil
    • Interestingly, I had thought before, about you and just looks good ... the calculation is the same as saying that the Supply Depot does not serve a great thing, this is not the only false .... problem by imagining what new buildings ..... would become a real source of war and cunning of some players ... taking the case of large alliance that would (inter-connect) between her, her attacker would return has to say: (kill you) why? because some plays like his; ... building will give an advantage to large fleet monster ... more imagine a player who every day would leave millions of resource on the planet to attract predators in an ambush, imagine it's fun to do all day with his ally, the element of surprise ... and very important in ogame, give them more info on ally attack has returned to the raiders of bait ..
    • Hi !
      I see some huge (negative ?) side-effects :
      it means that you can protect your account without being online, as any friend within range will be able to warn you that you are under attack.
      It will create many more possibilities to ambush people and launch counter-attacks, isn't it too much ?
    • of course if that! the contrary, I have never said that we would help her not .... we just need more information, the only flaw in the subject is looking further into the game is that receiving information on a possible attack by an ally returns a bad idea to give a certain player, such as ambush repeat, no one can really protect themselves but of message receipt, or postponement of attack combine to come, it is just a disadvantage for the attacker, the better would be to find a solution .

      conclusion that I want to say is the (building-monitoring) and well but can become a tool of war if players are smart and want to fool the other ....
    • I think with the changes of ogame, it gets more complex every day. I see this one avanso as this will cause the aged to broaden the game.
      The news that comes, is leaving the game with more possibilities and interactivity.
      In my community, we no longer see so many declared wars forum. They may say they are going outboard, but I can not say that.
      The game is becoming more and more 'lonely', and what do the players stay in an online game, are friends for fun.

      I think the more experienced players could come here, and not only point out the cons, but, scope for improvement on this idea.

      Board Admin & Representative OGame Brazil
    • I really like the idea.

      It would be a great help to the weaker players and would also make alliances be more united, especially in case of war between two alliances.

      I would like to see this idea implemented in the ogame. :thumbup:
    • dont really like the idea...
      just opens the gap between tops and semi-tops even more...

      and to be honest... attackers (so called fleeters) will just be punished again by this idea.
      sure you now can help your ally members, but it will just make it even more impossible then it is now to kill other fleets (except timed attacks).
      and its not quiet fair... because as an attacker you need a moon to see fleets (phalanx) but a defender only needs to build a few levels of that station and is fairly secure by that.
      same goes for moon... deffer only needs that building but an attacker CANT even get to ANY information.

      tl:dr; balance between deffer's and attacker's possibilities/information-gathering is ruined by this

      PS: im not a top fleeter, but i really like to fleet... and this would just ruin the game for me a bit more
    • okay may i have to add, i like the concept, but i dont like the balancing between the deffender and the attacker.
      thats the point i dont like... fleeters havent got it easy at all nowadays, especialy mid-to-upper-highscore-fleeters.

      this idea how it is presented above with exact those settings/values/etc. would make it even worse :)
    • It makes life of fleeter very hard because you are safe when you are offline, people from your alliance can defense you.
      Game should allow you to catch mistakes of your enemy and every attack can be demolished by the members of alliance.
      Generally it's very risky step, but you can reduced amount of scans to for example a few for an alliance.
    • If player x and y both have stations that are within each other's range maybe you can see in galaxy view an under attack marker but with no information about the attack, no message that the attack is underway or who is attacking it could be interesting. if planet you could lanx and see but moon you'd have no way of knowing what's going on there. and probably more dangerous for defenders to try than its worth because you'd never know if there's a massive 5 man acs they can't match..? I think it would increase acs both attack and defend

      I haven't looked around origins enough there's tons of good ideas floating around here :thumbup: