Origin will get 4.0.0 & reset

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    • Dear Players,

      In the near future Server Origin will receive version 4.0.0 . For this, probably at the end of next week, we will reset our public test server 'Origin' on http://pioneers.ogame.org . Reset means that all exisiting account will be downgraded just on their empty home planet, so the account still exists and it is possible to login but all ships / defense / res / research / building / colonies / moons / ... are gone. Just exisiting Dark Matter and active Officers / Commander will stay on the account.

      The server will have its relaunch with the following settings:
      - 2x speed
      - increased starting resources (directly given on new accounts and added to the already existing ones)
      - some free Dark Matter for every player to test our new items
      - as usual payment will be activated so it will be possible to buy and use more Dark Matter

      Complete info about version 4.0 will be announced at beginning next week.

      You can discuss this here: Origin will get 4.0.0 & reset - Discussion thread
    • Dear player,

      The Origin test server will be resetted tomorrow (friday) around 13:00 german time. Go on with crashing all your fleets ;-)

      Something about the reset:

      Many player wants that the Origin Test Server don't gets a reset - We talked with the GF if it is really needed and about other possible solutions / suggestions from players.

      - A reset is needed in any case, there are also technical reasons. Please remember the first anouncement, this test server was only planned for a few month to test OGame 3.0. Sorry for this.

      - The Origin Test Server is now a general test server to test all coming major updates (like version 3.0 and 4.0) and also for minor updates (if possible) before they go to live universes.

      - Some users suggested to have two test server - one which gets a reset for a major update and one without reset to test also later game behavior - The GameForge likes this idea and will discuss is. So maybe we have later two test server.

      Thanks for all your support during the last tests.

      Regards, Yours OGame Origin Team.