[Shipyard] Combat Platform (OGame.ES Sugg)

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  • [Shipyard] Combat Platform (OGame.ES Sugg)


    Combat platform is basically a large space station orbiting the planet in defensive position.
    It contains a huge gauss cannon, that inside has a nuclear warhead which destroy with one shot any ship.
    This gun is surrounded by a high number of plasma turrets and gauss cannons which its devastating attack is very high against cruisers, light and heavy fighters, battleships, battlecruiser and destroyers, but due to its large size and little light weapons is vulnerable when are attacked by thousands of small ships (light and heavy fighters) or very high speed bombers.


    -450.000 Metal
    -210.000 Crystal
    -60.000 Deuterium


    -Structural Integrity: 660.0000
    -Attack Strenght: 11,600
    -Shield: 4.300
    -Cargo Capacity: 13.100
    -Speed: 3.000
    -Fuel Usage: 4.000

    Technical Requirements

    -Shipyard: 11
    -Hyperspace drive: 6
    -Hyperspace technology : 8
    -Energy technology: 11

    Rapid Fire

    -Solar Satellite and Espionage Probe: 5
    -Small Cargo:30
    -Heavy Cargo:20
    -Battleship: 8
    -Cruiser: 10
    -Destroyer: 3
    -Battlecruiser: 6

    -Deathstar against this ship: 6

    Advantages: Very powerful against big ships.

    Disadvantges: weak against light and heavy fighters attacks, and an easy target against Deathstar and bombers.

    PD: Most wanted suggestion in our community (so popular poll with a huge amount of "yes" votes).
  • yes I'm in pretty good imagination ... I am better able to visualize things I have not really reflect besion 1 week on a project, it is the estin ... but I will li you writes the narrator and also important otherwise I would not have. :thumbup:

    and history is very important in such cases, it create the topic in itself, the graphic gives life to a project to give an overview, both are important.
  • So this is a smaller, weaker and faster deathstar?

    Why no RF against defences?

    Also why RF against SC but not LF,
    LC but not HF?

    How is it a space station if it has a speed of 3000? and since it has RF it is a ship by the definition.

    So what is the point of ship you can not fleet save(can you move it around?), and thurs you need to build craploads of defences just to prevent anyone from hitting it and collecting DF?
    You build defencive station and then defences to prevent attempts to hit defencive station for DF?

    Also Plasma cannon is already there to help you against large ships, and it is capable of doing it`s job perfect.
    And it doesn`t five DF upon destruction. :thumbsup:
  • this is still theory, but one can imagine a mobile station of Pourkoi not .... (more calculation looks right) supose its station is a platform on the planet besides the denfence, or even during a heavy seat it will provide the necessary coverage to other vessels ... should not abandon all the start, its important analiser, has 600,000 piont struture his back moin expensive power levels by calculating a large number of his station.