Research Time Formula enhanced

  • Research Time Formula enhanced

    Research Time Formula enhanced

    I was thinking how pointless it is to wait weeks for a research once you are advanced in game, I don't think there is a 'balance' reason or anything for this. Research basically comes to a level limit once it starts getting impossibly expensive anyways, however, when they are in the resource possibility, there really is no reason why they should take that long. Or any reason I can think of.

    I thought maybe just adding one more variable to the formula, then the time can be decreased to a much more reasonable time lapse.

    The current formula is: (Metal + Crystal) / ( X * 1000 * (1 + R) )

    X = Uni Speed
    R = Addition of Research Lab levels according to your Intergalactic Research Network level

    What I would add is:

    (Metal + Crystal) / ( X * 1000 * (1 + (E * R) )

    E = Number of Expedition slots available

    This wouldn't dramatically decrease the time, but would decrease it to a more reasonable time.

    For example (not a personal example), if you currently have level 16 astrophysics and want to upgrade to level 17, and you have Intergalactic Research Network level 7 with 8 planets, all with level 14 Research labs, then your current wait time in a 1xSpeedUni = 4 weeks 6 days 5 hours 41 mins 48 secs.

    With my tweak that would be decreased to 1 week 1 day 14 hours 47 mins 48 secs. Which is still a long time but a lot more reasonable than waiting almost 5 weeks.

    It would make sense that the astrophysics come into play to help reduce research time since its description says it develops better labs for ships, thus improving labs on planets :thumbup: